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lilhbk Blog

New Life

Ever since I moved from Venezuela to the United States, I've always lived in Atlanta, GA. And loved it. It is a beautiful place and I got to meet a lot of people, made really good friends, and had made my life as a Georgian. I lived there for six long, and sweet years. Now that I am 19, my family has decided to move down south to Florida. I have now been living in Hollywood, Fl for almost three months now, and it was rough at the begginning.

Reason is, that I, after living six years in Atlanta, last year I started going the wrong path. Hanging out with the wrong people, and just straight up doing wrong things. I do not regret anything though, because every single mistake i have made in my life, has taught me a lesson afterwards. The worse of my mistakes though, was failing to graduate from high school. Which is the only thing i really regret. I let my family down, and let myself down. Now that I live in FL I have started attending an adul school to graduate as quickly as possible, and resume my studies on the next level. College, pursue a Graphic Design career, and just start a better life.

This month I have also started two jobs, working at Finishline store, in which I work back in Atlanta; and working at a restaurant as a delivery driver, trying to get quick cash. Hopefully soon enough I will be able to finish high school, and keep working hard. Go to college and achieve my dreams of becoming a Graphic Designer and doing things i love doing.


It was crazy here in Atlanta ya'll. There were some tornadoes last night here in Atlanta, whats funny is that I was supposed to have my first game of the season, but because of all the rain and tornadoes it was cancelled. I feel terrible though, because a lot of stuff got destroyed downtown ATL. The Georgia Dome was damaged, and well unfortunitely two people, I think, died because of the tornadoes. I just want to send my condolences to their families, and hope that the weather and nature take it easy on us. Anyways baseball season starts in 14 days...and my season starst monday. woo

Why?!? Injuries are LAME

Haha well this is actually funny. On monday during practice, my coach had me playing third base, second base, and catching. While i was playing in the field he hits a groundball..almost a gapper, but i was not going to let it go by me so i decided to dive...DIVE! the grass is all dried up and hard so..i made the catch and the play..but after i get up and i'm about to hit my arm is bleeding!!! my forearm was all scratched up and was gross. Coach doesn't want me playing too much but screw that, i'm still going all out during practice and during games. I wanna show what i can do..and i will do that, no matter whats wrong with me. :D

And my Plan FLOPS

I had this great plan to train 110% for three weeks prior to baseball tryouts, and i did. Tryouts were'supposed' to be last saturday, so I show up but i dont know see anyone. I went up to the office and asked why, they tell me that because of the rain every single outdoor activity would be canceled. I go home and chilled, played some xbox360, and then just took a shower and went to bed.
Weekend's over, its monday now and is time for school. I wake up and suddenly get a call from a friend, i answer the phone and sounds angry at me like i had let him down for something. He tells me that freaking tryouts were sunday...they were canceled for saturday but we had to go sunday! WHAT!? yes. I missed tryouts, now I am getting picked out of a hat to see which team I land on. Lucky me. there goes my first pick draft chance.

And the journey starts...once again!

Ok, so about three weeks ago I was in school playing basketball during P.E. my baseball coach had stepped in the gym telling me to take it easy since Baseball tryouts were in just one week, and that getting hurt would be a big factor for me to make the team once again for the third time straight. I told him I was fine, and that nothing would happen; about thirty minutes after that I drive the ball in to try and make a lay up. for my luck, I landed on my friends foot, which made my foot kinda roll and twist and well I sprained my ankle. It didn't hurt much at first so I kept playing for awhile (DUMB!) As a result, I ended up not being able to walk so I go to emergency and get checked out a sprain, and the doctor tells me no activities for 2 weeks, and for the third week to take it easy. Obviously I'm not playing baseball for the school and the coach is mad at me. but since I still wanted to be involve with my school activities I asked if I could do something to help out, and since baseball, lacrosse and soccer film their games...The coaches have selected me the Film Crew leader. woo. so is all good.

Also I've signed up for a Rec Teen baseball league which starts on feb 23. that gives me about three weeks to train. this week I've taken it easy and just running half a mile daily, and a few catching and throwing drills. But next week, I'm going to start going a 110% to be in my best shape possible, and try to do great at the baseball so I can hopefuly be drafted to the top team. Because from what I've learned about this league, about 100 kids go to evaluations, then the coaches meet the next day and start drafting their players. Last year's champion gets first pick...that's what I'm aiming for!

Wish me Luck! yours truly,

lilhbk -Cuervo-

New Year, New Goals..

Hey guys whats up? Happy New Year to everyone!
Can you believe is already 2008? Time is flying by ya'll. I love New Year's Eve because my family gets together every year, and we celebrate the New Year. Last year I had a few goals tha I wanted to achieve, and since its a new year, I look back to the things that I got to accomplished. Some of the things I had in mind weren't achieved, but hey! New Year, New Goals. I have a New Years resolution, and all those things I didn't do lats year, I plan on doing this year.

My mom is thinking about moving to Miami. I love it here in Georgia, so one of my goals is to get a job and save as much money as possible. Reason is so in case I do have enough money, maybe I can stay in GA with my brother at least untill High School is over. Anyways...This year I will be things are ahead of goals...a new me. I love every New Year. Peace!!

Lilhbk -Cuervo-

So Three years ago...

Wow!! Can you say time has past by FAST!?! Three years ago [today] i joined Gamespot! It's been a nice experience here in every Union I am, and have been a part of. Even the one i made myself, which has died..=[ Anyways, I just wanted to congratulate myself, and post my first blog in like a year. I mean, I did stop loggin on GS for a looong time. But somehow I'm back. lol. It's been fun here..hope stays like this

-Later dudes,


XWE, tag team champions

aww man since cage is been banned i had to vacate the tag team champions, but luckyli darren let me find a partner so i can get them back against Hardcore Uproar, i've beaten both of it's members, and i beat them when i was with the Cage for the titles. Hopefully i get the right partner and get the belts back

Spring Break!

well this certainly wasnt best spring break, but it wasnt that bad after all, well even though i have to go to work tomorrow and sunday, everythin but that is been really good, on monday i went to change my first pay check:D then on my way back i met a friend and we went to the movies, i watched Ice Age2:D and ATL, then on tuesday i went to play baseball and basketball with my friends..yep it was fun:) Wednesday i went to the mall, and went to a party, i had a lot of fun, had a few drinks:P:P and one of my friends got drunk so it was pretty funny:lol: yesterday i had to take care of my lil cousins, and well i played SvR 06 the whole day:P, then today i havent done s*** but oh well i got to make a new blog image, and a  new blog entry after a while, now even though i gotta work the nex two days, and i kno its gonna suck! im quittin sometime soon anyways so im alright:)..well comment please

Worst Week in My Life So Far!

this is been the worst of my week and it's been just three days!..:o, first my microwave gets caught on flames! then my computer gets a virus..wait that was before:P..but still! then yesterday at school someone stole my prescius shoes!...i had black filas and BAM! they took it away:(, today i got hit right on my wrist on baseball tryouts, hopefully the coaches dont think it will affect me in my game..but anyways im pissed! this is been the wrose week of my life! hell i should make a tag about it!.....nevermind, my computer is infected and it wont let PS open sometimes.... im so mad..:x...and sad:(
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