lilhbk / Member

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lilhbk Blog

100% stratusfaction profile8)

yeah! now my profile is 100% stratusfaction:D, i made a new banner and blog description combo about the women's champion Trish Stratus:D:D i think it looks nice, and Trish is f'n HOT! i cut the pictures myself so they may look weird, but imo it looks cool, and one more time...TRISH IS HOT!!!!!!!

New Banner, and Blog Description

OMG! i was like really bored you know, i've been here in GS for like 5 hours, and like just 2 things new every hour, so i was like bored and then i started thinking on stuff that i realy liked...hmm so i thought for a while(like ten seconds:P) and thought that Ashley Massaro was something i really liked8)..and if she knoew she'll probably like me too8) a lil brother:(..anyways since i was bored i decided to make a banner..and...a blog description:D, they kinda match, i really liked them a lot...the blog description picture the bg color is kinda weird...but the banner owns! and you know it...*stares at ahsley's pictures* you cant say that Ashley isnot hot!...she's like perfect!..well i'd like some feedback, ratings and everything..also comments so i know you read it:D...well im out! wait... not yet:P... here are the banner(cuz the text you cant see it:()  and ths is the blog description image  ...remember leave comments, ratings, feedbacks


made a new blog description image!:D i figured out if i had a new banner i should have a new blog i made one, so now people they're not Vince's evils anymore... they are lilhbk's evils...or Joss's evils8)..i know you im just playing with ya'll:D, but please leave some comments, feedbacks, ratings, critique, whatever you want, and well im out:D

New Banner

yay! i made myself a new banner, and i think it's really cool, i have y2j, Matt Hardy, HBK(of course) Benoit, and Angle lockin angle lock on, thumbsupmasters said that if it had edge on it it'll look better... but i'll have him for my next banner :wink: so cool that i got PS i think im improviing a lot:)... well hope you like the banner...oh and please rate it and comment:)

Something Good, and something Bad.. of course:(

well today i got home from school and noticed that i was level 14 w00t ^_^, then i went to see how many people rated my last work, the bart simpson sig and i had a 8.5/10 avg.! something good..again!:D but then a friend called me and went to play soccer witht them, so i did, you know me, i like to play every sport!, so i went with them, and after lke an hour of playing one of my friends covered me, but accidently i tripped and fell on my thumb, i was bleedin a lot and barely could move it, i think i almost broke it:( and now hurts like hell! how was you guys' days?

My Best Work Yet!

i know i have many stuff that makes not perfect, but u have to remembr is my 3rd day with photoshop, but i think this is my best yet, please rate comment, critic...dont go too hard on me though:P

New Sting sig

sup' ok im like really into photoshop now:P so i made my second sig, the font is g@y, it's like the worst ever, but just  tell me what you think:D

w00t! my union!!!!

yes! i made my first union!, well actually i tried making an union about relationships, because of what had happened to darkhylian and gf, but then not enough charters joined, so it was never created, so now i tried making The All Sports Union! and made sure to select for charters, people who would actually accept, so they did and it's now running, and in a few months it will run wild!:P I just hope it's active enough and i wont have to kill it :twisted: but so far it looks great, i already have 11 members in it, andd they have done a great job, thank you guys, thanks dirtydarren for making some threads, and oreo for the banner even though mine will win!:twisted::P but anyways if you havent got an invitation go here and join:D
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