The swimming got cancelled :( as 1 c l a s s didn't have anyone to do it. So we did cross-country for 5 mins and I stupidly tried to compete with the best so I got puffed out. Turns out my CDs came with my sister's present (SP season 4) but no one realised they were mine as no one opened the box :P!
I saw an advert on DC for a CITH episode (Bahavian Idol; they said behavior but that isn't the point) and then later on ABC1 (a very obscure channel in the UK) shows an advert for another episode (a Newt episode!) where Newt fancies the smartest girl in school! Does anyone know what episode this is/ if it's the same episode.
With my icons, you can use them but you gotta ask me and give me credit in your siggy.
Later! I'm going to have dinner! Hope you like them! Also people comment, comment, comment!
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