screw u. wen was the last time 360 or the wii got a AAA game. MGS will whoop any games ass. Halo is the same thing EVERYTIME the only thing that changes are the weapons, vehicles and storyline. WHOOPDY FREAKIN DOOOO
gamespot is for sure goin to give this game a bad review i guaren-DAMN-tee it.oh i like ur budy icon.everytime a multi platform game comes out for every console the PS3 version gets the lowest score..I dont get it
of course it will Gamespot is filled with 360 fanboys. they support the 360.they always give the sony version of every multi-platform game the lowest score.
last time i heard microsoft was doing the same thing. they copy every single move sony makes. Price cut, and 5 free HD-DVD. of course their going to give them away for free its not like the HD-DVD is selling any copys:D
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