@Yulaw2000 colonial marines was in development way bevor dx11 and at the start of dx10. this is what happens when a game is delayed several times. you get what was good at a time, not now.
@GameSpot these names, ludgar, SOLDAT (FF e.g.). Krieg, PANZER (Tank) DRAGOON,and so on are german names and describtions. japanese developer love german pronunciations.remember chaos legion ? Sieg Wahrheit ? its victory and truth.everytime you read a viking like name , its german.
will gamespot review these titels ?or is something special coming ? why featuring this titels now ?LIKE IT
@Sargus ok thanks.sucks a bit. but i guess its going to be fixed by sega.at this state it deserves 6 out of 10.but i also think GS rating system sucks.the fun part should never be in the same as technology and vice versa.it kills the rating a lot in most games.even if it is not braking the game
@gamespot is it possible to deny the update process or just start it without being online ?or is it mandatory ?
limbomaster's comments