Wait Wait Wait Wait....so your telling me that by your logic violent games make people psycho and Mcdonalds makes people Fat?? lol. another day another finger to point. When will these uptight chumps learn its not the cake its the one eating it...now excuse me all this talk about cake made me want some,,,
hell why don't they kill dancing while they are at it because apparently dancing leads to sexual acts and or violent acts.. My only regret is i only have 2 hands of which to face-palm with.
PvP delay what a shocker lol. instead of worrying about that maybe they should worry about improving the game in oh i dunno every sort of way. no cool downs on pots, no ah to supplement gold grinding and kill item finding at the same time. bring back stat points and skill trees... i could keep going but there is a limit to what can be typed on here.in short i agree with everyone on here who has ever been a fan of the diablo series..D3 + Jay Wilson = Epic fail.
Im happy to hear that they scrapped multiplayer i say if a game starts without multiplayer it should remain without it till the end so gameplay as well as story doesn't suffer. *cough*mass effect*cough*
Words aren't born with power humans give them the power and spread like wildfire if fueled. The same goes for situations like these.. someone out there didn't get it or like it however you want to put it and now they are crying about something that shouldn't even really matter.
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