@airshocker: I wrote to her because I felt it needed to be done, it angered me the fact she did all of these things and people are covering it up as if she isn't guilty when she obviously is.
And yeah haha right I sooo wanna be her pen pal and be with her in prison and stalk her, give me a god damn break...Its not stalking when everyone on the internet can SEE what she has done and people have made videos about it. Stop being a troll dude.
I'm a conversional person, hell fucking yeah I am, don't like it? Then go somewhere else....I'd rather have a voice then do absolutely nothing about it.
If you keep this up I will not keep replying to your idiotic posts.
@Sword-Demon: I'm not obsessed, and you can't claim those other two girls were even drinking because there has been no evidence that they were....all the evidence is against Mendoza and it will remain that way till more info is set forward.
Kaila Mendoza A.K.A. ''Pothead Princess'' (Age 20) which she calls herself on Twitter in November of last year was driving on the wrong side of the highway of the sawgrass express in Miami Florida and tweeted before hand ''2 Drunk 2 Care'' then about an hour or 2 later she hit another car and killed two best friends Kaitlyn Ferrante (Age 20) and Marisa Catronio (Age 21). Marisa died instantly from the crash on the scene while Kaitlyn moments later died at a hospital in Florida.
I know a lot of people have already talked about this subject already but I wanted to bring it up anyway because this pathetic drunk ass pothead bitch instead of staying at home or some shit went out on the freeway and killed two innocent girls who obviously had their lives ahead of them unlike this fake ass bitch you see here.
The toxicology report said that Kaila had a BAC .15 when they did tests on her after the crash.
As you can clearly see here she calls herself ''Pothead Princess'' here on Twitter.
I checked her twitter page yesterday and yes its still there....including the ''2 Drunk 2 Drive'' Tweet along with many other tweets about her smoking weed and being drunk including photos of course.
Hearing about what Kaila did pissed me off so much in fact that I tweeted to her ''Tell me, how does it feel knowing you murdered two innocent girls? Clean up your act, and go to rehab.'' She hasn't responded back yet but I wanted to say it anyway.
A photo of Kaila's saying ''My Day Off.'' Here is a screenshot of the original photo:
Another one of Miss ''Pothead Princess''s photos from her Twitter that yes still remains there....Its a bottle of Coconut Vodka.
This girl is such a liar in fact that she even (Along with her family) claims her Account on Twitter was ''Hacked'' and that someone else said those things, not her....but considering her toxicology report and all of her twitter photos...there is no fucking denying what she did...she is 100% responsible for killing these two girls....and if she doesn't end up in jail for what she did it would be wrong.
Do you think a girl who dresses like this has any respect for herself let alone anyone else? No you doesn't.
Here is a photo of the two best friends Pothead Princess killed. Kaitlyn Ferrante (Left) and Marisa Catronio (Right). Now don't these girls look like they have a future ahead of them? Yes they did...but that future was stolen from them all because of Kaila's foolish decision to drink/be high while driving.
What I really like is how a lot of people on youtube are ripping this bitch Kaila a new asshole and putting her in her place. Its funny tho that most of the videos I found about her on the Tube were black people dissing her which is cool tho....I'm no racist LOL and if anything I think its pretty cool that blacks mostly her kicking this bitch's ass. This chick who did this video in particular is brutally honest and just goes straight to the point.
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This guy who calls himself Jason who did this video about Mendoza is also brutally honest and funny at the same time although this subject is not a laughing matter the way he says things are funny but at the same time so damn true....Jason puts this bitch in her place. And its true....you don't see a lot of pop stars going out there getting all fucked up and drinking and driving at least when they get shit faced they don't fucking drive and they have someone who is sober to drive them except...well...you know of course little punk ass bitch Justin Bieber who I am sure will end up in a prison cell soon unless he cleans up his act.
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Even this radio host puts her in her place.
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Pretty accurate description of what happened when Kaitlyn & Marisa were killed.
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What really makes me mad is the grief the parents of these two girls have had to go thru....Gary Cantronio (Marisa's father) went on Fox News back in November shortly after his daughter was killed and talked about it....crying but trying to hold back the tears....this was of course before the toxicology report came in about Kaila but now there is no denying she is responsible for killing Kaitlyn and Marisa.
Here is a link to Pothead Princess's Twitter Page if you feel like dissing the bitch:
Should we give Kaila a 2nd chance to clean up her act and sober up? Or Should we just say to hell with the bitch and let her rot in jail? Leave some comments to let me know your opinions.
Before the idea for When Energy Balls Attack come along to me I started off with just one energy ball on my trampoline in my backyard on a stormy and cloudy day. With out of nowhere, well, strange things start to happen and I intended it to be a surprise....some people like it and it hasn't gained much popularity because When Energy Balls in my mind accomplished more then these two videos did I am almost about to show you but either way I just did them all for fun and I never intended one of them or any of them to follow onto anyone or for them to like them. Maybe I thought a couple of friends of mine would get a laugh or two about it but thats about it. And they are comedies for a reason....If you take them too seriously you are taking yourself too seriously.
I know exactly what I did when I made these videos and I'm not embarrassed by anything...If you can't make fun of yourself then you don't know what the meaning of ''Humor'' really is.
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I also did a slow motion version of this video which was a little longer also but a little more pumped up.
What do you think of the videos? And do you think When Energy Balls was more of a big improvement then my Martial Arts Super Powers Videos? Let me know and leave some comments below. Do you think these are funny at all?
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