Big fan of the GTA franchise and Rockstar Games, but this thing where they tell us to separate GTA Online from GTA V as different entities is bullshit. The only way into GTA Online is through GTA V, and GTA Online shares the same world and assets as GTA V. GTA V and GTA Online are the same thing. Even Gamespot can't figure out what to do about this. While the title may say GTA Online Updated Review, go look at the tab at the top of your browser. It says "Grand Theft Auto V Review". Which is what this should be. An updated review to Grand Theft Auto V, of which the multiplayer is a component.
Lol they still don't have heists in this crapfest. Payday 2 was successful and profitable purely because Rockstar is so apathetic to their own online experience.
Danny, you should do a video about all those movie tie-in games and why they all suck so bad. I don't understand why they keep making those for every Hollywood blockbuster if they're all so terrible. Or why they're all so terrible.
LiquidButter's comments