@Gelugon_baat @liquidbutter I said "on the front page". There's a list of "Latest on Gamespot" with videos and articles. Their Next Big Game coverage was listed in that highlighted in a green background with "PROMOTED" written above it.
Well I've been coming to Gamespot since 08 and I like all the long-time people working here. Kevin Van Ord, Shaun McInnis. Danny O'Dwyer, Chris Watters, Maxwell McGee, even Tom McShea and Carolyn Petit. I often express my wish that Brendan Sinclair were still working here on the news instead of Eddie Makuch.
Sure, I've had disagreements and criticisms of these people, but I haven't gotten sick of them. I still watch every Gamespot livestream with these people in it because I still enjoy listening to what they have to say, even if I don't always agree.
@battlefront1943 "promoted" doesn't mean "paid for ad" on Gamespot. their Evolve "Next Big Game" coverage was also listed on the front page as "promoted"
LiquidButter's comments