liquidsuns' forum posts
Dude! I'm literally in the same exact boat. My girlfriend got really into Fable 2 and now loves the avatars, she changes hers like everyday. As for your questions; one avatar per profile, but if you make her a new new one, she won't be able to go on live gold as each profile needs a subscription. With a new profile she also would not be able to use your saves. As for games, maybe viva pinata, I'm actually going to look into this too. For arcade games, try kingdom of keflings or whatever it's called. She will probably like a lot of arcade games.So I've just been getting my girlfriend into playing 360 (Fable 2 was her first game and she got obsessed), so this NXE is good timing because the Avatars are right up her alley. But here's my question - is there a way to have 2 different avatars tied to one XBL account?
I have my avatar made already, but she'd like to have one also. Do I need to make a new profile for that? If so, will she be able to game online since I have XBL Gold or would I have to buy Gold for her profile separately? Would she be able to access saves that she created while signed into my profile?
Finally, if anyone has any suggestions for good games for beginning female players I'd appreciate. Either full retail games or Marketplace games would work.
[QUOTE="liquidsuns"]I don't know a single person that plays any games other than WoW on a pc.fetelthCause your little highschool friend's mommies and daddies won't let them buy a new PC or they're too stupid to build one.
dude...i'm 27....and what is your problem?
If hd-dvd lost to blu-ray, so will this. Hd-dvd had so many things going for it; small modification to existing dvd production ie. cheaper production costs, integration with dvd, cheaper players, manditory hd sound processing on players, online firmware updates from the get-go, cheaper dics, and it was backed by the porn industry before it's demise.
So why did blu-ray win? it was more expensive. that's right...more expensive. Why would the movie industry change from dvd unless it was going to be able to make a lot more money? The hd discs, which were smaller in capacity by 15 gb (though they had a 50 gb version nearly ready for production), cost sometimes $10 less then blu-ray. The much more reliable and high tech players were $150-$300 while buggy, non-updateable, non sound processing blu-ray players were $400-800. Cheapness is what kill hd-dvd. There was just no money to be made and thus no reason for the companies to switch to it. So this new disc format being cheaper wont matter and might even be a hinderence.
In the end though it was Warner Bros. last second decision to go blu-ray exclusive that finally killed hd-dvd.
LOL the "The jump from VHS to DVD is bigger than the jump from DVD to Blu-ray" line is BS
VHS is 330x480 thats 158,400 pixels
DVD is 720x480 thats 345,600 pixels
Blu-ray is 1920x1080 thats 2,073,600 pixels
So while DVD is roughly twice as many pixels as VHS, Blu-ray is roughly 6 times as many pixels as DVD.
dude, the jump from vhs to dvds was about more then pixels....
Blue-ray offers nothing more than pixels and some lame online stuff that no one will ever use.
[QUOTE="liquidsuns"]So what about renting a game? They don't want people to rent games? That doesn't sound like a good idea.SpruceCaboose
No renting, no buying used, and no lending the game to friends. The only way to get the end is buy new or pay them extra is what they are talking about, which is bull.
Its like a car company taking out safety features unless you buy it new.
I'd like to see them try that. The game industry would die rather quickly. Imagine what would happen to the movie industry if they did something like this with dvds, and then include the fact that games are $60 and not $15.
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