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lisagraham Blog


First off you should know I have not read the graphic novel...

Second you should know it 3:30am...

So I thought it was weird...

There were a lot of things I really liked and some things I thought were never really fleshed out...

Rorschach was my favorite character... I love characters that are true and pure, and he stayed true to himself throughout the movie...

The fight scenes were kick ass...

I thought that Ozymandias was the least fleshed out of all the characters and that was a bummer...

I HATED that a lot of the plot was summed up in dialog... I like to see the action unfold, not be told what is going on...

Anyway, Like I said it's late/early so apologies for being so vauge, but I said I'd blog after the movie, plus I don't want to spoil it for anyone...

Can't wait to hear what you all think about it.

Good Night!

I Wrestled a Slumdog on Friday the 13th

Hey, Hi, Remeber Me? That girl that got a new job and then disappeared :D

I barely have time to watch TV much less blog about it, but I had two days off in a row, which is a weird schedule for me, so I took advantage with a movie fest, a date with a cute boy and too many Jager Bombs!!!

I have tix to the midnight showing of Watchman on Thursday too, so you all just might hear from me twice in one week... Everyone take your heart meds now!!

OK, on to the movies... No real spoilers here, just my thoughts on what was good and/or bad about them...

The Wrestler: I REALLY liked this... Mickey Rourke was great, Marissa Tomei was, well, hot is the word that comes to mind... I am usually hesitant about gritty/dark character dramas beacuse I hate to see characters have an attack of conscience and try to be someone they are not... This was not that movie... I also hate it when movies are wrapped up all pretty with a bow at the end... This was not that movie either... The relationships were real and the motivations were true for all the characters and that was a great thing to see... If you like character driven drama then do not miss this one!

Slumdog Millionaire: I'm torn on this one... I enjoyed it... I worship Danny Boyle... but I wasn't surprised by it... It didn't take me anywhere I didn't expect to go... The movie was told in an interesting way and the backdrops of India were stunning... I really liked Dev Patel, his acting was honest and real... But the truth is this movie is not for everyone...

Friday The 13th: OMG, I totally liked this re-make okay, let's just get that out of the way, Even though Jared Padalecki did not take his shirt off ;) Moving on... I am not a huge fan of Michael Bay, I think he gets full of himself sometimes (perfect example is Armageddon, which I HATED)... But I digress, this one stayed true to the roots of the slasher film, had dirty tent sex that led to killings, had the kids going into the abandoned cabin that led to killings, had some great humor, Jason's killing techniques were impressive... All in all I did not feel like I had wasted $10 at the theaters...

Hope all is well with everyone... Working at a retail store is killing me, we are so busy all the time, the economy is not hurting cell phone sales that's for sure! but it's good to be working and getting bills paid off :)

I have missed all your snarky, witty, informative, combative, silly, blogs, but mostly I miss Greta's cookies so I'm going to try and make some more time to spend here!!

Holy Crap, I'm 40 Today!

So a big Happy Birthday to me... and to Elvis and David Bowie as well!

As a lovely birthday gift from work I found out I am the number two sales person at work (AT&T Mobility Sales) so that's what I will be celbrating when I finally get a day off on Sunday!!

We've got Wii Fever...

First off, thanks for all your pats on the back on my last blog... Please keep your fingers crossed for me on Sunday when we play the Ravens!!

And for Gix_Mix, who I have missed so much because you always make me smile... The Dolphins are my favorite NFL football team... :)

Onto the subject of this blog...
The house got a Wii for Xmas and I got a DS Lite...

All is good, I just broke 200 on bowling and have almost mastered doubles tennis, but as fun as the Wii Sports games are we are ready for some new games!!!

That's where you all come in... What games do you all like for Wii? I need a couple that my nephew can enjoy and a couple for me to play...There are just so many I don't even know where to begiin...

And then on the DS LIteI just ant some Mario Brothers type games, maybe a SIMS game? It just has such a little screen that I'm not sure what games work best... Any recommendations?

Thanks in advance for your help... I won't be able to comment as I'll be up at my Sister's house in the mountains where there is Wii :), but there is no Internet :( ... But I will try to sneak a look at your replies from work Wednesday before I leave ;)

Hope you all have a Magical New Years!

Go Dolphins!!

Today is a good day to be a Dolphins fan!

I'm just so excited that we won our division after finishing 1-15 last season!!!

I'm excited that Chad Pennington stepped up against the team that dropped him for Favre!!

I'm NOT excited that we have to play the Ravens next week, but I still have faith in my boys!!

Work has been crazy... I've been so busy, but in a good way...

I wish you all a FANTASTIC New Year's!

Go Fins!!

Prop. 8 - The Musical

Anything where jack Black plays Jesus Christ has to be funny right?

Check out his newest video at if it's not still on the home page just search for Prop 8 The Musical...

It also stars Neil Patrick Harris, John C. Reilly, Rashida Jones and a ton of other familiar faces...

What do you think?

You Will Know The Truth

So much is going on... So this blog will be broken into pieces so you can all just take what you need and move on :)

First bit of Great news is that I start my new job with AT&T tomorrow morning... A little scary to switch gears from Marketing to Sales, but also exciting... I will keep you all posted on the adventure as it unfolds...

So Battlestar Galactica returns January 16th... Can I get a Hell Yes... And I, like all other good little fan girls, have been watching and re-watching all the promo trailers on-line... So good... SciFi has a great page that will fulfill those of you who like conspiracy theories and cryptic clues...

Great New Trailer for Star Trek is also out... We are all long time Trekkies in this house and we are all really excited about this one... Go to for the trailer with the guest star spoiler ending - or go to if you want to se it in gorgeous HD...

Also coming to theaters next month is a new installment of my fav Vampire series Underworld... I don't wnat to hear it I fricken love these movies and that's that ;) Going to miss Kate Beckinsale in this one, but going to see it none the less... It hits theaters January 23rd... Underworld: Rise of the Lycans trailer

On the TV front I have become obsessed with NCIS as of late... I have caught a couple marathons recently so I have seen most of the first three seasons and all of the current season... what a great cast, I love McGee and I really like Mark Harmon (and no, I was never a fan before... Except for Summer School which ruled..;)

November Sweeps was a bit of a let down on all fronts... I have to say that Winter/Mid Season TV is becoming my favorite season for TV... Here's a list of what I'll be watching with date sand links to trailers...

24 - January 11th

LOST - Janury 21st

Dollhouse - February 13th

The Beast - January 15th

BSG - January 16th

Kyle XY - January 12th

Nip/Tuck - January 6th

Lie To Me - January 21st

and (finally) Friday Night Lights - January 16th

Interesting Election Trivia

I have heard a couple interesting things post-election that I thought I'd share before going into my rant about Prop 8 passing thanks to a whopping 70% of black voters voting to ban gay marriage... Chew on that irony while I share some lighter things...

• Barack Obama is the first Senator since JFK to reach the White House

• Barack is the first Democrat to earn over 50% of the vote since Jimmy Carter

• Newspaper sales on Nov. 5, 2008 reached record highs... Highest number of papers sold since Sept. 12, 2001... Copies of the San Francisco Chronicle special issue have sold for as much as $51 on eBay...

• The HOPE pop-art poster that has been featured on many blogs around here was designed by Shepard Fairey, a young kid known for his guerilla marketing type of self promotion that includes several arrests for posting his art on blank buildings without permission... Obama's poster was the first one he asked for permission to do.

• The top choice for the new White House puppy is a GoldenDoodle

Now onto the Shock and Awe part of this blog...

California's Proposition 8 passed 52% to 48% effectively banning Gay Marriage in the state. But the thing that I find the most disturbing about the vote is that black voters in our state voted 7 to 3 in Favor of the prop.

Really? After all your years of Civil Rights battles - In the year the first black man is elected President - In the year that Martin Luther King Jr's dream is realized you voted to pass a proposition that denies civil rights to another minority group.

You would think that a group of people that have suffered from so much injustice in their lives would not want others to face the same fate. You would think.

I am very disappointed in the hypocrity of this... They can hide behind their religious beliefs all they want, but by casting a yes vote they have voted FOR prejudice and discrimination. And that's just sad.

If I remember my Bible correctly didn't Jesus welcome the outcasts and the unwanted? When did the churches who stand in his honor stop doing the same?

I'm sure I am going to hit a nerve with some with this post, but I am really just stunned by this... This prop was about Civil Rights, not Religion and yet the religious groups in their unending crusade to squash freedom of religion (i.e. equality and personal freedoms) have managed to once again impose their moral beliefs on a state wide level...

Let me end by saying that I am not condeming those who don't believe in same sex marriage, I think they have the unalienable right to have that opinion... But they have condemed those who do believe...

What a great day to be an American...

What a great day to be an American...

This whole election season has been supercharged... Voters feel empowered to cast their votes and effect real change in America for the first time in a long time!

The first Presidential election I was able to vote in was 1989 when Bush Sr. defeated Dukakis... How exciting was that election year you ask? I just had to go look up who he ran against on Wiki... So Bush tried to fix the deficit left to him by Reagan, but in the end had to break his "No New Taxes" promise... That happens, his approval ratings were still high, all seemed okay...

Then this charismatic kid from Arkansas shows up and takes back the White House from the GOP... Who saw that coming? It's too bad that the Lewinsky scandal and Karl Rove forever tarnished his years in office... Years in which we had the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history, which included a balanced budget and a reported federal surplus... I miss those things...

What came next... Oh yeah, we elected Dubya into office and all the fine work that Clinton and Bush Sr. did got thrown in the crapper... The economy went to crap, Terrorist threats have caused widespread panic and we are stuck in a War with no clear direction or exit strategy... [Rant] I realize the majority thought your Dad pulled out of the Gulf too soon, but it's not your job to right his wrong... No-One is winning in Iraq, not us, not them...[/End Rant]...

Now we have a real chance to get our country back on track... It has been invigorating... Both candidates are strong in their own ways and it has been a grand battle that I am proud to have been a part of...

We are entering a new era in American politics... Aside from the historical impact of the first woman VP nom and the first black man to run for Pres I think generations to come will look back on this election as the turning point for our country and our return to the powerful and respected country we once were.

And that's why today is a great day to be an American!