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lisette831 Blog


When Paul is able to rent Bully, I think I will ask him to get it. I'll have to play at his house since Tony has my PS2. So many games I want to play, not enough time! I have to finish GTA:LCS so I can get GTA:VCS, then the Wii is coming out, and Zelda along with GTA will be put on the back burner. Then sometime in the new year, the new Zelda on the DS will be out (Phantom Hourglass) so it's like...Too many games!

T-Minus 1 Month

So in one month, I will have my Wii. I cannot wait. On another note, I have recieved a raise. I make $12.75 an hour now. YAY!


YAY! So I got my pre-order :D This is most excellent.

My EB only had 5 PS3s and 10 Wiis. I was 2nd in line to get one of the Wiis. The guy in front of me originally wanted a PS3, but since there weren't any left when his time came, he opted for the Wii. He'll be happier anyways :)

November 19th cannot come any sooner!


It's Wii Time.

So I slept in a little more than I originally planned...I hope there aren't too many people already waiting.

So Angry

Fruit flies are the bane of my existence.

F***ing flies are in the kitchen. They get everywhere. I blame my mother. Both Paul and I cleaned that kitchen. Made it as clean as possible, and set up a fruit fly trap. I cleaned out the gross "compost" bucket that is so nicely placed on the kitchen counter and it's breeding fruit flies. I told my mother that it is not to be used anymore.

SHE IS STILL USING IT! She's not even CLOSING the damn lid. I swear to the God I don't believe in that I will begin slitting throats if I find another DAMN FRUIT FLY in or around an item of food I wish to eat.

Just today, I was going to make myself pizza, so I took the dough out of the fridge to warm up so that it would be easy to work with and so I made sure the tie was on tight. I don't know how the little f***ers managed, but like 5 or 6 of them got into the bag and was flying around in it. ON MY PIZZA DOUGH. I am grossed out, and I refuse to eat anything that has been prepared in this kitchen until the problem of the fruit flies is gone.

I can't believe my mom is letting this happen. It's HER fault. She yells at my dad, gives him an ultimatum about all the junk in the house, and she's no better!

I cannot wait until I move out. I have no idea when that will be, but when it does happen, it will be bliss.

Wii Campout

Okay, so there's a strong possibility that I will be waiting hours upon hours for the EB Games store to open tomorrow morning.

My sister may or may not join me.

I hope she does. My mom's letting me borrow her car. That will definitely be an incentive for Nicki to join me. Heated car!? Hells yeah.

Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson is a flipping idiot.

Games make kids kill?!? Games TRAIN kids to kill?!?

I'm sorry, but I am 25, and have been playing video games (very bloody and violent ones included I might add) for more than the majority of my life. Have I even entertained the idea of performing the actions I've seen in the games I've played? Would you be surprised that I said no? I'm sure Jack Thompson would.

His latest quest is to have Bully (by Take-Two Interactive/Rockstar) not ship for Tuesday's release. A judge denied his request for a hearing. Thank God there are people in this world who know better.

The biggest problem I have is with how Jack Thompson is blaming everything on the video game developers. Like it isn't even possible the parents are at fault. Uhm, HELLO!? The parents are completely at fault. Most kids today have at least one console in their household. I'm sorry, but the last time I checked, a kid can't save up $300+ to buy a console plus a few games. So strike one against the parents.

Video game developers: 1
Parents: 0

The parents buy the games their kids ask for. WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE ESRB RATING! Little Johnny is playing Grand Theft Auto. That game is rated M. Which means 17+. 12 Year old Johnny should not have gotten that game.

Video game developers: 2
Parents: 0

Parents today are not involved in their kids' lives like in the past. Parents are too busy with work, and doing grown up things. They keep poor Johnny entertained with the TV and a console. The games know more about their kids than the parents do.

Video game developers: 3
Parents: 0

Hmm, it looks like the Parents are losing. They don't get any points for how they are raising their kids. Infact, I'm sure the video games are more interactive with the children than the parents are. It's sad really.

Jack Thompson should be spending his time promoting families to spend more time together, and less time in front of a TV/video game. Instead, he decides to fight a losing battle.

Give it up, Jack.


So yeah, it kinda snowed today.

It was harsh.

Killer wind.

It blew the snow in my ear. That wasn't comfortable.

Awesome Song

I can't get over how awesome this song is. It's called "Jerk It Out" by The Caesars.

You may recognize it from an iPod commercial. I heard it on the new DDR SuperNova game.

The songs are going to have to grow on me (except this one song).