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lithiumink Blog

Let's try this again...

Well it has almost been two years since I have contibuted to this blog. And I must say I really want to make this blog a little more than a half hearted rant. So I am going to make an attempt to do this weekly, and make it a little more than me just complaining.

So I will make my blog a little bit of gaming, personal life, rant, and general ideas. So bear with me on this, give some feed back, and come along for the ride. Until next time!

Can't blog for the life of me

Well it has been quite some time since I have last blogged. Well there is a good reason for that, well several reasons.

First I am really lazy when it comes to that, and things have gotten quite hectic around here. I have decided to move forward with starting a website that hosts my web comic, as well as my brothers. Plus I have plans to start an Etsy and Cafe Press stores to sell some products. It is a simple basic thing I want to do, but it turns out that it is growing quite quickly.

As it stands we have two web comics in the works, two stores, a short film being written, and some how a joke idea has come to light and we will have music on the site for all to laugh at.

As far as games go, I am currently playing AC:Brotherhood, as well as a some Kinect games. Haven't really played any ground breaking games, well none come to mind. I will comment on AC in a later post, I think I will do it tonight.

I will also link our web page when something worth looking at is posted.

Until next time, when ever that is?

Games and Bad Movies!

As of late I have decided to adjust my NetFlix queue and see some movies that critics, fans, and the general public deem horrible. So I have decided to view two films based on comics.

First up is Punisher: War Zone. Not sure if this is a true sequel to the previous one, but I heard it was terrible. In fact I heard it was so bad that it made the one with Dolf Lundgrend look top notch. After hearing this I had to see it, I mean I want to see this train wreck. Well I have to say, it was not that bad, it wasn't that great either. But it did capture the tone of the series I believe. What made it bad was that they tried way to hard to make Jigsaw too stereo-typical Italian mobster type. In the end, it was a meh movie. I will never buy it, but if it's on cable I may watch it.

Next is a movie with a title that is way to long and is long for no good reason. X-men Origins: Wolverine. Ok why not call it Wolverine? Or Weapon-X? Well I enjoyed the X-men trilogy, even if it was slapped together and did stupid cameo appearances. So I popped it in and started to watch, and slowly as the movie went on, I died a little. If no one has ever read the comic would possible find it entertaining. I personally have no idea what in the hell they were writing when they thought of doing a movie. I mean I was confused watching the movie, what time frame are we in? Is the ending of the movie set oly what say 10 years before the first X-men? Is it tied into the actual trilogy? My head hurts. This was a horrible movie, I loved the comic series, both X-men and Wolverine, but this was just written by people who never read the books. Here's a spoiler, DeadPool, who is a smart assed, bad assed mutant, is now Weapon XI. No cool red and black mask, just sword arms and optic blasts. I bleached my player after I finished the movie.

Now on to games, the whole freaking reason for this blog. I finished Mass Effect 2 (along with the Kasumi DLC), played through as a paragon, and made sure that my entire crew made it back for that sweet achievement! I have to say I liked it better than the first one, which is a surprise to me. But alot of people have told me the first one has a slow start and picks up and takes off after some point, a point that I have not made it to. But it was a great game none the less.

Next is FFXIII I have been playing that in small chunks, not sure why i have not just taken and ran with it yet, but I'm sure I will soon. The story is picking up and I'm looking forward to getting to grand pulse. Yea, I am reallymilking it but I own the game I can take my freaking time, right? I will pick it up more and give my feed back as always.

Nothing else really to say on the games. Once I think of something I will post it as soon as I can.

I'm out!

The lack of blogging

It has been quite some time since I have updated this blog. There is a good reason too, I have been a little more busy than usual. Also there are some things I guess I would like to rant about other than games. And I find it wierd to rant say about my career on a video game site. Seriously I think that should be done on a regular blog spot. And instead of having a separate site for each part of my life I decided to create a WordPress blog to take the brunt of my rants. I will post a link when I get things in order.

I am out!

Final Fantasy: My Opinion

Now for a small rant. Now I am excited about Final Fantasy XIII, and now even more so that I don't have to purchase a $300.00 machine to play one game. I like my 360, and it has done me well over the years I have owned it. But that isn't the point. The point is I look at the forums and people are so narrow minded or just such fan boys that it's annoying. Now some say this game will fail others think it will be one of the greatest. Then someone has to go and say "Well, when they remake FFVII it will totally own all other FF!" Then some wise*** decides to reply with FFX was loads better ect. Now I personally did not like FFVII. I couldn't get into the story or the game play. That doesn't mean it is a bad game, just not a game for me. As for a remake I believe that SE said there are no plans to do that. But of course everyone is skeptical. I personally enjoyed FFVI the most. It really sucked me into the story and I actually had fun with the game, which I believe that is what games are designed to do.

What worries me now is the fact that outside of the FF series SE has released two games that received very average reviews. Infinite Undiscovery, and Last Remnant. Now I have not played LR yet so I will only give a middle man comment on that. But my brother and I sat down to play IU and well, it's not fun in my eyes. I found myself frustrated with it more than anything else. And to go on my brother played LR and he promptly returned it. So I am not sure if it's getting such a negative rap because we are comparing it to the FF series or we are just too critical about them. I just hope that SE does FFXIII justice and releases a solid game that is actually fun to play.

SE has yet to release any actually game play footage of FFXIII; it all seems very pre-rendered movies. Yes there was a scene with some menus and commands, but that is easily just inserted into a movie as well. SE put pre-rendered video in the FFVII commercials and touted that as game play at one point. So it is not too farfetched that they would try to pull a quick one on us to get us excited about the new FF. I hope this year they actually show us a demo or game play of the game soon. I am tired of companies announcing a series or game in 2002 and getting it all hyped then release it in 2008 and wonder why no one noticed. Ok that was an extreme example, but it get the point across.

This is my take on that. Random and make no sense. I hope to get this whole article thing down soon so it reads better. Until next time!


January Update v1.0

Wow it has been almost a month since I have blogged. And I left saying things will change and I will not rant as much. Well looking back on that I decided to do a little of both. I really enjoy giving my view on games I've played, even if they tend to whine a lot. Either way I will continue with my gaming updates as well as give a few personal opinions on things I find.

First, updates on my gaming life. I have continued to play FFXI still and have hung up my mage robes and taken up the melee armour. I have gotten Warrior to 29 so far and have enjoyed it a lot. I am currently working on Paladin now because I enjoy the tank jobs. But a part of me still loves being the support for a party. I kind of want to take my Bard back up and hammer on that. Well that or my Summoner. Now not to sound like a baby or anything, but Bard does not seem to be useful in the CoP missions. Now I could totally be wrong here and feel like a fool for it later on, when that happens I will cop to it and admit I was wrong. End of story. Now looking back I may just sell all of my equipment and pick Red Mage back up. Eh, I don't know what I'll do I will eventually figure it out.

Now I have picked up some other games that are probably more exciting than FFXI. Last I said I had Fallout 3. I play only a short time, it didn't really keep my attention as well as I thought it would. But then again I was working hardcore on Oblivion and may have burned myself out on that style of play. So I may pick it back up again.

I got Tomb Raider: Underworld and I must say I am having a blast with it. This is probably the most fun I have had with a TR game in a long time. It is more of a puzzle solving type game than the action combat that was in the previous. I do appreciate it. I tend to take my games slowly so I am not that far in, but I find it more enjoyable to play and not as frustrating. I also received Guitar Hero: Aerosmith for Christmas. I always thought that GH was a silly game. I never really showed interest in it. But I have to admit it is addictively fun, yet frustrating. But it's the type of frustrating of the eight bit era. You know the "I know I can beat" this type frustration.

I gave up on looking for a co-op partner for Gears of War. I posted and asked for help on X360a site and have not gotten any replies so I let my Gold account expire and traded it in since no one was down with it. I did however pick up Gears 2. That is fun, and it seems a little easier than the previous one. I hear that is why most people don't like it. It's either you never played the 1st gears or your sucked at it is why you like 2. I can admit to both. Ha! Oh well I am going to have a friend over and we will probably co-op it locally just for kicks. I will write with how that went.

I will post more in a few about how I feel as promised so that there is not such a wall of text. Until next time, enjoy your games!


Change is comming...hope it works

It has been a while since I have last posted, and for good reason too. Life just changes at a whim, if we are ready or not. But since then I have decided to Move this blog into a different direction. As I would just post what I was doing on the gaming front I never really put any thought into it. Just hey this is going on and I like it or not. I think that can be a drag to read. So I have decided to throw things into a different direction and do a look from the casual side of gaming. How I feel about things that about to be released and how the community looks at it. I have one in the works I will post soon. Now as a disclaimer I am not saying I am right or wrong, but it's my opinion. So if anyone does read this I hope it will be more entertaining than the previous ones.

No news is good news right?

This is a real quick blog and I will not be going into much detail on what's been going on. I have given up on FFXI for now, not one of those I'm not playing and next week I will be in saying how much I want to finish things. Nope, account canceled and I have no access unless I reactivate the account. I may return, I have not rules that out. I returned Force Unleashed, got to a point where I was stuck found out what I needed to do and then never revisited it. Also gave up on Assassin's Creed 1000/1000 due to getting bored with it.

I did however finish Lego Batman and got the 1000/1000 and now an currently finishing up Oblivion. I am almost done with The Shivering Isle. expansion. Then all I will have to do is finish the thieves guild then I will have totally finished all of the story lines and main quests. Phew, it's been a long time working on that but it's been fun. I have Fallout 3 on order and should get it in a few days. I will report back on what I think of that as I play it.

That is it for now, I have also considered picking up Eternal Sonata again since it has been a long time since I have played it. I've forgotten where I am in the game, and probably what the heck is going on as well. Until next time.

I am out.

almost 30 days and now you post sunfin'?

Well it has been almost a month since I have last posted a blog. A lot of stuff has been going on and really is not that interesting or has to do with gaming. There is a lot I would like to talk about, so I will probably break it down into several posts over the month of October. Right now I can give an overview on what has been happening and what is to come. To start off on a sad note, it looks like the LS that I am a part of website will be gone on the 10th of this month. I'm not sure if this is a foreshadowing of things to come in the LS or not. Only time will tell.

I'm ever so rarely playing FFXI as much as I used to. I don't know if it's because I am bored with it, or I haven't found my niche in the game. I started out as a RDM and enjoyed it for a while, but fell in love with WHM more than any other class so far. However, I hit a rut when I spent an entire week looking for a party. I mean a day or so during the week I can handle, but to look for an entire week is downright ridiculous. So I worked on my BRD for a little and enjoyed it, but to my dismay it turns out I need to have NIN leveled to be able to effectively pull at later levels. Right now I am working on NIN. It is fun and I also worked on WAR. I think I am a decent tank, and I enjoyed having a hate competition with my SAM friend. He would try to build up enough hate to have the monster go after him. I think out of the whole night the monster looked away three times. Two of them were when the WHM over cured. So I felt good being able to hold the hate threshold high enough for people to go all out and not have to worry about losing control. The game has evolved from when I originally started the game. That rant will come at a later date. For now I will focus on NIN and BRD. I don't think I will have a lot of use in the CoP expansion but I can always work on that. That is one expansion I want to finish before I quit. Hell I think once I finish CoP I will quit. Only time will tell.

I borrowed Force Unleashed from Game Fly and it's not bad. I figured it would be a boring hack slash fest. Well it is that, but overall it is still enjoyable because you can experiment with the force powers to fit your play style. Right now I am stuck on pulling down the start destroyer. I'd start pulling it down and then some tie fighters come out of nowhere and shoot me to death. I didn't realize that you can let go and clear the tie fighters and then resume pulling it down. Yeah, it's ok laugh. I didn't know until the one kid at Gamestop told me that you had to do it in a couple segments. >.

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