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little-tim Blog

Battlefield: BC 2 Review (Update)

Okay, since Gamespot hates me and won't let me submit a review for BF: BC 2, I'll just post it here. Enjoy everyone! :D

In this review of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, I'll be covering the basics on everything you need to know about this game.

In BF: Bad Company 2, you are part of a 4 man squad that is called: Bad Company. Your teammates are the same great and likeable characters as in the game previous to this one: Sweets, Hagard, and Sarge. Although the campaign is over in a matter of about 6 to 7 hours, it's a real thrill ride while it lasts, and it's very replayable. In the campaign this time around, you're saving the world from a giant weapon of mass destruction.

So, not to give away anymore of the story, lets just move onto the review.

Lets kick it off with the graphics, which in this case, are top notch. Beautiful landscapes provide you with tons of eye-candy throughout the entire game. In the campaign and the multiplayer, the graphics hold up as some of the best I've seen to date. And it makes it all the more satisfying when you blow a few gaping holes in a building, and watch it fall and crumble to the ground.

Speaking of which, another nice addition to the game is the physics involved. Almost anything on the maps in both the campaign and multiplayer are completely destructable. Too lazy to take the door? Who cares, just make one yourself and blow a damn hole in the wall. In most games, these kinds of physics would be a delicacy, but not in BF: Bad Company, destruction is everywhere.

And the physics and gameplay combined make for some very intense moments throughout the game. For example: while you may be taking cover in a building and taking pot shots at your enemies, they may be taking their time to destroy not just you, but the entire building you're in. While you're playing BF: Bad Company 2, everywhere around you there will be explosions, grenades, and tons of gunfire.

Okay, now that I'm off that kick, let's move on to the voice acting. The voice acting in BF: Bad Company 2, is terrific. In game and in cutscenes alike, the voice acting is great. If you just stand around in the campaign for awhile, and don't do anything, you'll hear tons of banter back and forth betweenSweets, Hagard, and Sarge.

Okay, now for the controls.

The controls for the Xbox 360: the Xbox 360 version has some different controls, compared to most FPS games being made for the Xbox today. For example: you press the RB button is to melee attack. But despite the somewhat awkward controls, they are very easy to get use to after a short period of time in the game.

The controls for the PC: the PC version of BF: Bad Company 2 has some pretty normal controls, WASD to move, mouse to look. Overall the controls are pretty average. And probably second-hand to the average PC gamer.

Now, time to tackle the multiplayer.

The multiplayer features 4 playable game types, including Conquest, Rush, Squad Rush, and Squad Deathmatch. All of which are very fun and all players should try at least a little of each. The competitive multiplayer is the games' strongest asset. The intense gameplay make for some of the most fun moments in a multiplayer game.

The gameplay modes are all very addicting and it's very satisfying when you arm the bomb for the game winning explosion. The community is fine as well, and respectful for the most part.

All in all, there are many words that can be used to describe the multiplayer: great, intense, fun, but I can't think of one negative word to describe it. The only thing I can think of is that I recall a couple technical problems. Though nothing truly frustrating, it certainly doesn't help.

Pros: fun, intense campaign; strong multiplayer; likeable characters; top notch graphics; great physics

Cons: Short campaign; small tech issues;

Final Score: 9.1/10

UPDATE: Review submitted, check it out. Thumb up if you like it. Thanks. :D

Bad Company 2 Completed


I just beat Battlefield: Bad Company 2 about 5 hours ago. And I loved every bit of it, it had an action-packed campaign and a solid story to go along with it.

I might write a review for it if I've got the time, after playing some multiplayer, that is.

I've also been playing some 1942 recently. I'm probably gonna check out some more sweet PC games that I can run on my computer. Also been searching around for a new gamingmouse, and I might get the Razer Deathadder. It looks pretty nice to me, and it's only about $50.

I've always been interested in getting a Razer mouse, I used one at a friend's house recently and I really liked the feel of it, and it fit really well to my hand.

Well, that's about it. See you!

Xmas Blog

Merry (late)Christmas everyone!

I got a few new games to play over the holidays. Final Fantasy 13 (Xbox 360), Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360), and Fallout 3 (PC)will be taking up a majority of my time over my break.

I've been pumped to play Final Fantasy 13 ever since I heard of it's release, so that game will definitley be grabbing most of my attention out of all of them.

Bad Company 2 was recomended to me from a friend of mine. Plus, I already played some multiplayer on his kickass PC. But my PC isn't very good... at all. So I got it for my 360 instead.

The only action that my PC will be getting will be from Fallout 3, which I've already played a bit of. And I have to say that I'm having a great time with it already and know that I'll have a great time blasting Mutants' heads of with my combat shotgun.

Those are the newest games that I've recently gotten, two of which were made THIS YEAR (lucky me).

Well, hope the rest of you enjoy your games.


I'm Back...

Hey kids.

I'm back again. :D

Music: Eminem, The Devil Wears Prada, Gorilla Zoe.

Well, a friend and I made a small **** :P website. Here's a link if you want to check it out, register if you want it would help us out. lol. http://robotzombie.webs.comIt's a site made for reviews of old and new games.

Haha, I know I'll get someBS for using webs, but you know what, I'm a kid and I'm broke. We just made this website for a fun side project.

Also, thinking about getting Reach and Black Ops, hopefully soon. Heard good things about both, and have played multiplayer on both and loved both. Went 22 to 15 on Black Ops on my last game... I'm proud. :P lol

Sorry about not posting in a long ass time btw.

See ya!


Hello All...

Well, I just got back from my best friend's house, a gamer just like me. He is a PC gamer all the way, as well.

And he loves the Battlefield series, and he'd bought a copy of Bad Company 2 only two days after it was first released. So he let me play it on his magnificent computer that he helped his brother make.

And I tried some online matches on that game for the first time, I got on some good servers. And it was a blast.Easily one of the best times I've had playing a game online. Blowing holes into buildings before you storm into them guns blazing is awesome. And Sneaking behind two enemy campers and shoving a knife into the back of their head is great fun, and rewarding.

It makes me want to buy BC2, which I probably will do once I get some money. But for now, I'm just going to look into some games thatI never really played and see if I can find anything that interests me. I think I might give STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl a shot, nice review on that game btw Meat_Bag.

Well, that's about it...

See ya!

Time for an Update Kids!

Hello Everyone!

I guess most of you have heard of the Greatest Gaming Villian thing on Gamespot, let's just hope it turns out better than the Greatest Gaming Hero competition did. I mean seriously, Mario > Gordan.

Currently watching: Seinfeld

Currently listening to: Dungeon Elite; Hollywood Undead; Drop Dead, Gorgeous; Eminem.

Currently playing: Been playing some CoD 4 and Halo 1, looking for some friends to play with localy since I live out in the middle of nowhere with terrible connection.

Reading alot of dated gaming magazines like Computer Gaming World.

Now, it's time to cover a couple subjects here.

Subject 1: Gaming, it's in my blood.

I've been playing video games since I can remember. FPS games, RPGs, Adventure, Side-scrolling, RTS, all kinds of genres. Maybe it's because my dad was a gamer, and he passed it on to me, I remember when I use to play Unreal Tournament with my dad when I was young. It use to be a challenge... Now, I kick his ass. But we still have fun when we occasionally decide to play some LAN games.

But recently, I've found myself wanting more of a challenge, in games like CoD 4. I've been wanting to improve myself, and I have been, I've beaten most of the missions on Veteran difficulty, and I seemyself getting better. But, I feel like I want more, maybe I just need some competitive multiplayer.

I don't know, but I'm just happy I have a dad that plays video games, or else I don't know what my hobby would be. Probably something productive and healthy, and something that keeps me active... Thank Goodness for video games. :P

I'm happy to have a dad as cool as the one I have, and it's probably thanks to him that I got into gaming in the first place, and got into Warhammer in the first place.
Thanks Dad...

Subject 2: Video Game Violence.

Been kinda thinking about video game violence recently. I actually have a friend, and his little brothers, about 7 years old, and they play games like MW2 and Halo 3. Yeah Yeah I know, they are really young to be playing these games, but I have to say: they can handle it, for now.(Hopefully won't affect them in the future).

Now I'm not saying that it's okay for all kids this young to play these games, I'm saying that it depends on the person. These kids are totally normal, they aren't violent, they act just like any other kid there age. But they have an older brother to tell them what is right and what is wrong, most kids there age shouldn't play these kinds of video games. But they are an exception, they are able to handle it, and are in good mental and physical health (and for their age, they kick ass at the games they play).

Personally, I wouldn't let my kids play those games until I saw that they could handle it, when they were a teenager. But, I think that it depends on the person who plays the game, I've played FPS games since before my age was in single digits. And I'm not messed up in the head... Well, maybe I am just a little bit, but not because of games. Games like these can even relieve stress for kids, or even help them release anger, and give them time to cool down when they're angry. All in all, I just think that it depends on the person who plays the games, and they're mental health, if they are hot-headed, etc..

*But I do agree with S4N that no kid that young should be exposed to that kind of violence.*

So what are your opinions on the subject?

That's about it. Next blog coming soon.

See ya!


Hello Everyone.

The gaming party was a success, and I believe everyone had a really good time. :D And I am relieved.

But of course there was that one person that got on everyone's nerves. (One of the guests got a sugar high and we kinda had to straighten him out... Alot).

Exciting news! My N64 is working again! It turns out that is went dead for a day or two due to an old third-party controller mess up.

But overall, I had a great time with my friends playing games. We actually only played a total of5 differents games, but the party probably went on for about 14 hours (maybe longer)altogether before everyone fell asleep. Me and just one more of my friends were the last one's awake playing just a couple more games of Super Smash Bros. before we fell asleep around about 6:30 AM. And at this point I was running completely on Mountain Dew and snacks, since I got to bed around 3:30 am the night before. :P


I am not in any of these pictures, I was always behind the camera.

Anyway,the games we played were:

- Super Smash Bros. (N64)

- Halo 2 (Xbox)

- Pokemon Stadium (N64) which turned out to be a very fun multiplayer game.

- CoD: Modern Warfare (360)

- Some guests built some stuff in the Sims 3 (PC)

That's about it for now.

See ya! :)


Hello everyone,

The last couple days I've been planning a video gaming party for this weekend. Just a small one, I've invited 4 friends.

And I recently bought the original Super Smash Bros. for the N64 specifically for this gaming party, and once I got it I put it in to see if it worked. Thank goodness it did... For about 2 minutes before my N64 died. For all the years I've had it, it decides to die three days before the party.

But I called one of my friends today who was nice enough to save me and agreed to bring his N64. ;)

So anyway, from now until Saturday I'll probably be getting ready for the party. Planning when to pick everyone up, what games to play, what drinks/food to get, etc.

But when Saturday comes, I'm just going to be relieved when it all comes together, I'll tell you how it turns out.

See ya!


Dungeon RPG


I've been playing a lot of Zelda recently. A LOT.

So I might take a break from Minish Cap, (but keep playing A Link to the Past), and replace it with the hack n' slash dungeon role-playing game: Torchlight.

I loved Torchlight when I bought it, so I think I'll start leveling up my old character and creating a new one, too.

I might not play Darksiders as much as I do Torchlight, but I'm just not as interested in the game right now. Sure, it's great fun to bash some demons every once in awhile, and Darksiders is great, but I want to focus on Torchlight and A Link to the Past right now.




In case some of you didn't notice, I've been getting into the Zelda games on my Gameboy Advanced.

I'm currently playing LoZ: A Link to the Past, only 3 more dungeons left until I battle Ganon. :D And LoZ: The Minish Cap, which I bought today and am enjoying very much so far.

Just a small update, I'll tell you more about the games when I am finished with them.
