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little-tim Blog

Back to My Roots

Hello Everyone.

I must say, I Love Nintendo.

I grew up with Nintendo, with my N64 (which I still have), and with the oddly shaped controller in my hand. And I loved every minute I spent on that console, whether it was spent playing LoZ: Majora's Mask, or whether it was spent stomping goomba ass in Super Mario 64.

So, some of you may know that I recently purchased a side-scrolling game called Super Mario World, for my SNES. I played it for awhile, and I have to say: I suck at this game.

I don't know what it is, I should be good at this game, these are the kind of games I grew up with, the same games I kicked ass at when I was 7. There must be something wrong with me. There HAS to be something wrong with me.

It may be that I put the same kind of energy into Mario as I do into Unreal Tournament 2003, and I don't pace myself. I always seem to trying to rush through every level, always sprinting, and not timing my jumps correctly.

Maybe I just don't have what I use to have when it comes to platformer games.

Maybe I just need to try again, and try harder. Pace myself.

I will be doing some training later on my game boy advanced, wish me luck.

UPDATE, I found the answer: Move on to Zelda. :D I might buy the Minish Cap. For now I will play A Link to the Past.

So long.

GRAW Review Is Ready.

Hello everyone.

I am nearly done with GRAW, but I couldn't wait another second to write the review. Since I'm pretty much done anyway, and I've gotten a feel of the gameplay, the story, the AI, etc.,I think it's about time I tell you what I think of the game.It's kind of sad to say that most the missions are the same, but it's still a fantastic game. :D

I'll finish the game, and make any needed change-ups to my review, but it doesn't look like I will have to.

I put a lot of time into this game, and I thought about what I could say about it while I was playing, so I think I've worked harder on this review more than I have on any other review I've written for a game.

I have to say, I love this game. It is easily one of my favorites, and I would recomend it to any one of my friends. & I'd recomend it to you Meat_Bag. :)

Just letting you know, plus I'll probably be having a gaming party with some friends some time this month, this tactical game has gotten me thirsty for some deathmatch. :P So I'll probably be brushing up on my multiplayer games.

See ya!

Ghost Recon AW

Hello all,

just a small update. For some reason I can't remove games from my "Now Playing" list. :/

Well, I went to a small local game shop with my friend the other day, and I decided to get Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, GRAW is a tactical third/first personshooter.

I've been playing it for the last couple days, and it looks like most of my gaming attention will be geared toward that game for awhile, it's pretty damn fun so far.

That's about it, short blog.



Hello everyone,

Just another update. I'm thinking about continuing my saved Final Fantasy VIII game, or maybe my Final Fantasy XII game. Either way, I'm ready to get addicted to the FF series again.

But I don't want to neglect Bioshock. :( Though I may want to take a break from it, whenever I begin a FF game, I rarely play any other game because the series always seems to suck me in and it's usually the only game I want to play soon after I start it.

Also, I just watched the movie "The Crazies"... What can I say about it, well, it was crazy (who would've guessed). :P But it was a pretty good movie, the kind of movie I'm always looking forward to. It's about a virus sweeping through a small town. The story is pretty vague to begin with, but the plot thickens once you get into it. I don't want to give anything away, but if you like zombie/pandemic movies, chances are you will like this one.

That's about all I have to say for now, good-bye all...

Another Update.

Hello Everyone...

I haven't posted a blog since April 10th, & I am finally out of school and bored as hell right now.

So this is just a small update, I've been playing some Gears of War 2 lately, but I've been thinking about getting Red Dead Revolver. (Since the new Red Dead Redemption is too expensive right now).

I'll probably be playing some Gears 2 later, & I might start writing some more reviews if I have the time.

But beside what's going on in my gaming life, I am going to Oklahoma D-day!

To anyone who doesn't know what that is, it is the biggest paintball event in the country, possiblythe biggest inthe world. It is a WWII reinactment with painball guns, and it costs $70 to get into the event. It is a 6 or 7 day event, but the actual D-day war happens on June 12th, for about 8 hours.

I got my OK D-day registration card in the mail today, so on June 12th I plan to be rushing up onto Omaha Beach shooting the **** out of my opponents with paintballs. :)

If you are planning on going, tell me, and be on the look out for a short blond kid with glasses on the Allied team. :)

Well, that's about it, see ya!

Dusting Off My PS2...

Hello Everyone,

I haven't played Final Fantasy VIII for a long time now, so I decided that it's time to dust off my PS2 & start where I left off.

I've also been wanting to purchase another Final Fantasy game, so the next time I get the chance I think I'm going to buy eitherFinal Fantasy XII or Final Fantasy IX.

Also, I'm going to still try & keep playing W40K: Dawn of War for now.

That's about it! just a small update.

See ya!

I'm Back... With a new RPG.

Hello Everyone,

This is my first blog since Febuary (please forgive me :P) & it's just another little update, like the blogs I use to post.

In case you didn't notice, I was recently playing a lot of FPS, sorry RPG lover friends, & I still do, but I gotback into the RPGs yesterday by starting fresh, & I bought a new dungeon crawler RPG, Torchlight.

& I am loving it, it is a lot like Fate, you travel into the dungeon/mines to kill evil creatures & complete quests. You can choose to be the Destroyer, Alchemist, or Vanquisher class, & even bring along a dog, cat, or ferret to accompany you on your journey. I'm playing through as the Alchemist at the moment.

Once I am finished with the game, I may write a review if I find the time.

That about it for today, just gonna play games & watch Lord of the Rings movies. :D I love Spring Break.

See ya!


Hello Everyone.

Well, it looks like I'm gonna start playing Borderlands again (since I took a little break), & level up my Level 37 Soldier on my second playthrough.

I got a new achievement for it on my 360 today. :D

Also I gotta start playing some multiplayer games to prepare for the nextgaming party that I'm going to have.


Well that's about it, little update.


Oh, But There's More!

Hello there!

I'm now on disc 2 of Final Fantasy VIII, recently listening to the bands:

- Set Your Goals

-Taking Back Sunday

-Breathe Carolina (a little)

Thanks to everyone who checks out my page every once in a while. & special thanks to these GS users:

-soulles4now: for commenting bunches and being an awesome GS user in general :D

-Curtis_Bundy: for creating my favorite union that I visit all the time now. GWLRPGs.

-ShadowVari: for checking commenting once in awhile and once again, being a cool GS user too.


I gots to go now, having lots of fun with FFVIII.

Later yo! :P

Some More Stuff...

Hello all...

I received a game I ordered on Ebay, MDK 2. I started playing today, it's very fun so far, I also like the 3 characters the game let's you play as.

I'm also still playing FFX, I just got done playing some, just now actually. :P

I am now inside Sin & I'm about to battle Seymour... again. :P

I think I'm going to get Final Fantasy VIII, if I can.

That's about it, just a little update in my gaming world. :D

See ya!