[QUOTE="DinoRiki"][QUOTE="sonic_rusher"] Ok not to be mean but some ideas should/wont happen. First, some people say there never should be another Cel Shaded game, others say the next console zelda game should be Cel shaded. Well I have foun the middle ground beats both ideas, LoZ: WW was one of the best Zelda games, the gameplay was good and the graphics were a cool twist (cel shaded) BUT that does not mean the rest of the home console games shoud be cel shaded, it just cant be done again even if it was great, HOWEVER it works perfectly for the DS, WHICH IS WHERE IT BEING MADE PEOPLE SO STOP ASKING FOR SOMETHING THAt IS ALREaDY COMING OUT.
Second, MMO RPG and 3 player coop are out of the question.
Third, I have no problem with other characters voice acting but everyone has their own idea in the back of their head of how link speaks so its best left alone. So everyone talks accept for Link.
Now my idea and you can criticise it as much as you want. Link has to have 1 to 1 ratiocontrol over his sword (wiimote)and great directional control over his shield (nunchuk). Next thanks to Nintendo Zelda, Link, and Ganon have to be in the game, however Ganon does not need to be the main bad guy. Next Zelda games have to be much harder. More Epona battles. The fighting needs to involve piercing, have you noticed that they never have the sword pierce the enemy just slice. it would add alot to boss fights. Next Link's triforce of courage needs to affect you in game aka moRE POWERFUL. Next Zelda cant just be about mini quests and jumoing from dungeon to dungeon. They need to have another element of conflict. my idea would be that the main enemy starts a war and you have to fight it with loyal firends behind you. I have talked to many zelda experts and they agree that real time battles could fit perfectly into the zelda games.
Dude that sounds like the best Zelda EVAH!! but i'm not sure waht the 1 to 1 ratio control would add to me it seems like it would complicate things but i do agree there isn't enough stabbing.....i lovedhow ganon died in WW:P
1:1 ratio for Zelda means that when Links swings his sword left it goes left, when he lunges it forward it pierces the enemy. there would also be gestures like shake the Wiimote to do a spining attack. This way there is more strategy to killing every type of enemy/ Some enemies will be weak in the ribs so you hit them in the ribs. It takes a little more brain power than just randamly swinging the wiimote to get the same action as a stupid button but it is still extremely simple if Nintendo can get it down right.
That's not what 1:1 means. 1:1 would mean that Link's sword arm mimics even the slightest movement that your Wii remote makes. For an idea of 1:1 sword swinging, look at Die by the Sword, an interesting game that used a system called VSIM for 1:1 sword swinging. It worked because it used a mouse for input. Think about it--the Wii remote doesn't have a blade, so you could easily end up cutting Link's head off as you swing the remote around. It would be ungainly and make Link look like a clumsy buffoon.
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