littlefugue's forum posts
I thought that Gamespot's Metroid Prime 3 review was the most shameful review in recent memory until I read Gamespy's review of Blue Dragon. Now, I've never played Blue Dragon, but I've heard its music, and the boss fight music is NOT "one of the most appealing pieces of audio ever heard." Trust me, I've heard it.
"Specifically, we're talking about the boss fight music, which is one of the most appealing pieces of audio ever heard. A stunning work that redefines tired hair metal, the boss fight music featured in Blue Dragon is reminiscent of the theme from the original 80s-era Transformers movie. Complete with your standard opening high-pitched screech that could easily have come from Guns 'N Roses' Axel Rose or Skid Row's Sebastian Bach, this track is a triumph of sheer out-of-left-field-ness. In all sincerity (but maybe with just a touch of sarcasm), the boss fight music is one of the best things about the whole game that serves the purpose of instantly and unmistakably alerting you to the fact that you're in for a serious battle. In a word (or maybe two): it rocks."
[QUOTE="Bass7"][QUOTE="ArcticSnake"]How the hell is August the month of Metroid if MP3 came out Aug 27th?ArcticSnake
Because it came out in August? :|.
five days 'till Sept...
That's what we'd call a climax. If August is the month of Metroid, then wouldn't it make sense for the "main event" to come at the END of August?
[QUOTE="Relys"]DONKEY KONG 64 WAS MADE BY RARE, RARE IS NOW OWNED BY MICROSOFT! THERE WILL BE NO DONKEY KONG 64!!!!!! Get it into your heads people.Rocky32189
That is why we have Rare games like DKC and Star Fox 64.
I'm pretty sure Star Fox 64 was not made by Rare. You're thinking of Star Fox Adventure.
Unsure... but itd be cool and stuff if they released Super mario Bros. 2(Japan Version) on the NES VCmovin_target
I agree. I hated the changes Allstars made to the gameplay.
1. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron IV (Pipedream, right? But after what Factor 5 said about "lazy" Wii developers, I'm itching for them to do it!)
2. Star Wars: Jedi Knight IV (I wonder how old Kyle is doing?)
3. Star Fox (A new, though traditional, game.)
4. Sonic the Hedgehog (A compelling new game. . . it could even be a 3D sidescroller, since Sonic Team hasn't had much luck behind the back.)
5. A new IP from Nintendo.
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