Its an addicting game and I am just asking this to see if it even is possible to beat them on NG++++++
liukang1378's forum posts
I am on NG++++++ and I just can beat these guys, I have alot of powerful weapons but none can finish one quick enough before another one spawns and by the time I go to the second one then I will only have about 20 seconds before the next one spawns which is not enough time and their attacks do ALOT and I mean ALOT of damage and I am forced to heal everytime I get hit even when wearing stone armor.
So if any of you have any suggestions be it a weapon I can try to use or a set of armor or just a certain tactic that will help me not to take as much damage and be able to kill them quick enough.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
I have been trying to open for a while now but it kees telling me that it cannot connect
I am still logged in to xbox live through my actual xbox and all and everything seems alright but i have been trying to make a new account and connect it to xbox live and it keeps telling me xbox live isn't available right now.
Is this happening to everyone or is it just me?
Yesterday at like 10pm I was about to play skyrim and told me that there was an update avaliable so i installed it but now my quest marker is totally messed up
and i mean really messed up
I have the sky haven temple quest activated right now and on the map it does show me where to go but the compass is pointing me to another quest that i don't even have activated and not even showing me where i need to go for the quest i actually do have active.
And also the marker on the map that shows where i am is kinda messing up too. I went into this cave to explore like somewhere near the middle of the map but when I am inside and i look at the world map it tells me i am at the corner of the map on some area that i dont think it is even actually accessible.
Now I am not sure if this is the update that is doing it or not but what makes me think that it is it because i never had this kinda bug before until i installed the update
Can anyone tell me how i can fix this because it is really annoying me and its sorta making the game unplayable at times
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I am playing this game for the first time I have been playing for 10 hours (not 10 hrs straight of course) and i have no idea which difficulty setting i want. I started playing on Adept but felt it was too easy at first and went to Expert but now that i am level 12 it is waaay to difficult so put it on Adept again but it was still too difficult (btw the only other Elder Scrolls game i played was Oblivion but never completed it but i know most basic stuff and i have learned more now in Skyrim) so put it on Apprentice but now i feel it is a bit too easy. I like a challenge but i don't want to spend 20 minutes trying to kill 2 Ice wolves that keep killing me over and over. Also do enemies level up with you because certain areas i thought I will leave for now and come back when i am higher level but then i become afraid that for example the monsters i met at level 12 will be replaced by higher level versions of them.
So which difficulty do you guys think I should have?
Do enemies level up with you and do enemies in caves get replaced by higher level enemy monsters once you are a higher level?
I bought a 2100 microsoft point card from a retail store, inputted the code in but it keeps telling me it is not valid
Can someone please help me because this really is annoying me
I have been playing left 4 dead 2 for a while but felt like playing the first one a little because i really missed it but i just can never seem to stay connected to a single server, i mean there are some that i manage to stay connected to but most others i always lose connection and it really annoys me especially when playing with some friends and having an absolute blast
So does anyone know how i can fix my connection or even at least tell me what might be causing the problem?
I am having some problems playing online regarding voice chatting in-game .
See i cannot hear people very well at all when they are talking and i have read about this being due to your NAT not being very good and it says to test the connection and if there is a problem with NAT it will tell you
I have tested my connection loads of times and it has never told me I have NAT problems so I don't know what is causing the problem
Can anyone tell me how I can fix this or at least what might be causing the problem?
I was planning on going for another playthrough but i am getting a glitch where the game doesn't let me level up so like i am level 1 and i have 270/200XP so i should be leveling up but the game will not let me it doesn't even tell me i leveled upand i kinda got sick of having to repeat the intro part everytime just to see if i level up so i started playing something else but i am planning on trying again tomorrow
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