Why in the world would anyone do this lol understandable if it was previous gens towards a new gen, but to trade in a PS4 for an XboxOne?...yeah, not worth it.
Hungry for content doesn't mean you have to add a price tag to everything you give your fans. Bungievision needs to stop treating their fan base like tools and appreciate their veterans more.
So is that your excuse for cutting more than 50% of content and selling it back as DLC? Because its for 'young gamers'? These young gamers don't know when they are getting ripped off, so yeah I take it as an insult that you can take advantage of them like this. Ohhh i'm off my soapbox.
This trend needs to end already. A game gets released, then a season pass for said game is sold upon release. If you're real patient and wait lets say a year, you can pick it all up for the price of the original game and not have to buy a season pass since the ultimate limited exclusive collectors edition comes with all the DLC already.
So the question has to be asked...why would anyone buy a video game that encourages you to purchase a season pass, when you damn well know they are gonna pull this stunt again?
Halo & Destiny are both on the complete opposite side of the spectrum of each other, by miles. I don't think this question has any weight to it because they are both completely different FPS.
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