Renders are images what are already cut out for you..heres the best place www.planetrenders.netYou can also find c4d over there (altough they are called abstract and fractial rendes they close enough)they will add more flow and stuff to image you make:)I have never used Photoshop 6 myself but i think you could still use them:Dand no need to download pirate Photoshop..:P
Yeah agreed..i messed around with the text some time..didnt want it to be too ordinary and its seeable clearly:Pso when i reached this result i was thinking what the will do:P
My newest was to actually practise with pen tool a bit but i run out of ideas so it might be a lil emty:)
Movie!Movie!Movie!Movie!Movie!Movie!Movie!Movie!Movie!Movie!Theres just been too much games all over:)
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