I have had this one sitting at the ready for nearly six months and just finally fired up the Dreamcast this weekend. Shenmue is one of those games where if I talk about it, I feel like I am just constantly complaining--the controls are pretty much terrible and the whole game feels like those town sections of JRPGs where you just walk around and try to find the magic character that you talk to to unlock the next part of your quest--but deep down there is something really sepecial and wonderful about it. To me, it just feels like it is trying to so hard to be more. It aspires to break the mold of "just a video game" and to be a video game as a work of art on par w/ film or music. Maybe it doesn't quite get there but I feel like its intent shows through and I find it remarkable for that reason. I am enjoying it a lot.
In other news, I have been playing the heck out of Pushmo on my 3DS. It's just a blast. The puzzles are tough but fun and you can spend all day making your own. It's a well done game top to bottom and pretty much a must have. Another one I just finisehd up is Sakura Samurai. My feelings on this are a bit more mixed. It got repetitive to me and I sort of stumbled on a cheap way to make money and load up on items which enabled me to beat the very tough end boss w/o much difficulty. I kind of wish I had not now that I did but I don't know if it's worth it to go back and replay. In any case, between these two games, it makes the 3DS eShop a much more viable source of good games.
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