@DeviantCode. It's illegal to mislead investors. So when he states that they are still on target, you can take it to the bank that at the end of their fiscal year Battlefront sales will at least meet the original projection of 9 million copies sold.
Almost 75 hours in and still loving it. BOPs 3 and Destiny have been collecting dust for weeks. This is the best multiplayer that I've ever played. A lot of the criticism being leveled at this game is from hardcore gamers who are pissed off they can't dominate the scoreboard like they do in so many other unbalanced multiplayer shooters. And all but one of the game modes in Battlefront are great.
@Bread_or_Decide: So how does COD, which has been the same reskinned game every year for the past 10 years or more escape the scrutiny of the critics and still receive favorable reviews?
Almost 75 hours in and still loving it. BOPs 3 and Destiny have been collecting dust for weeks. This is the best multiplayer that I've ever played. A lot of the criticism being leveled at this game is from hardcore gamers who are pissed off they can't dominate the scoreboard like they do in so many other unbalanced multiplayer shooters. And all but one of the game modes in Battlefront are great.
LogicalTech's comments