This game is incredible! I've played all of the modes multiple times, and I'm still looking for the so called letdown that so many reviewers and other malcontents have led us to believe we will find. In terms of multiplayer gameplay, there's nothing better or more enjoyable. Not BOPs 3. Not Destiny. No not even Battlefield. And I love all of those games. The map design is second to none, because it's so far ahead of anything I've ever played before. There are so many ways to get from point A to point B. Finally a game in which flanking strategies are masterfully conceived. Then add the graphics, sound design, and epic music, and what you have is nothing short of a multiplayer masterpiece that rewards skill based players while at the same time is incredibly approachable by more casual gamers. The balance is perfect! I simply don't understand some of these reviews. I do however understand the hardcore gaming trolls who are ripping Battlefront. They are of three types: 1) Singleplayer only gamers who never give multiplayer a fair shake because they suck at it, 2) Multiplayer gamers who thrive on unbalanced games in which they dominate and every one else, including their own teammates get frustrated. You know them as the guys who every freaking match find something to complain about even when they're winning, and 3) Gamers who view the gaming world through retro, rose colored glasses, always insisting that games made a decade or more ago are better than today's games, when to most observers this is very rarely the case.
@psycadelix: I'm not saying the opinion of is wrong, but some of their reviews aren't always in line with popular sentiment...
Mad Max 7/10
Destiny 7/10
TR 2013 8/10
Bloodborne 10/10?
I played 20 hours of the beta and couldn't get enough of Battlefront. I loved the first three games above and hated Bloodborne. Like any other game, some will love it and some will hate it.
@TristanPR77: Yeah, at $2.5 a month, who wants to save a minimum of $57.5 on a game that's not very good? I wish this service was available on PS4. PS Now really does suck.
LogicalTech's comments