lordchizel's forum posts
I am not THAT much of a Guild Wars fan...though it was my first ever MMORPG....and i thought it was fantastic...and some parts of it still is...such as the graphics, music and the always changing login background screen. After GW's i bought WoW...and i got addicted to it like 99.99% of its players...but the monthly fee just...started to annoy me..so....i began to look back at Guild Wars...when i left Guild Wars, none of its expansions where released, but now that i look back, 2 expansions have been released and a 3rd will soon very much follow. It is preogressing fast. I learnt that Guild Wars 2 is underdevelopment and read up on some of its new features...such as different races, being ale to "jump" and "swim" and some sort of proffession system (not sure 100% how it works). So it is slowly becoming to be VERY VERY similar to WoW...but the better bit is THERE IS NO MONTHLY FEE going to be applied to it...(so i have heard). So my WoW montly gamecard has run out...and i was wondering if i should buy all 3 Guild Wars expansion packs and continue playing with them, OR should wait for GW2?
Also...another quik question about Guild Wars 2, do you guys and gals think that the classes found in Guild Wars and its expansions will be also found in Guild Wars 2?..
I searched the PC game "Spore" in Gamespot AU..and it came up for the release date..2nd Quarter 2008. What are the "Quarters" of the year and also, I searched "Spore" on the EA Games AU website and it said "Spore" was to be released early 2007. Does anyone have a deffient knowladge of the Australian released date forthis game? It looks amazing and the idea is so perfect!
I live in Australia and I have the game Battlefied 2 and I do not have any of its expansion packs. I was wondering if I should get the expansion packs and just play Battlefield 2 OR should i purchase the newer Battlefield game...2124 (or something) and get its expansion pack/s.
The newer Battlefield game did not get a better review to the Battlefield 2 game so I was wondering if it is worth looking into.
Is Battlefield 2 game (and expansions) still a popular game that people play online with? Or is the newer Battlefield game alot more popular and I would find it more enjoyable to play online with.
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