Doom 4= must buy,
Rage isn't a must buy but dam what beautiful game it;s score 9.5 no doubt
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Graphics in dues ex are mind boggling, everything except dam boss fights and end is lame, if you cannot agree to this please close down this thread as your either trolling or achievement whoreing last 3 days.
Battlefield 3 beta seems down hill i mean people refer battlefield 3 as massive sand box game where aerial vehicles fly over while out numbered giving everything you have while odds are still against you.
So far metro's maps not actually showing people what battlefields really about if your new to franchise, say one person shouts out have you played ea's franchises war game "battlefield" they'll say: maybe or no, once played it will reflect bad on sales while they cross analyse it with other games. since this maps tiny and ambush is high this reflects poorly on what people will perceive as this being bad game on all platforms.
Battlefields really about war at it's finest moments where you depart from a base traveling far out not knowing what to expect suddenly road lights up with chopper fire and tank explodes your teams trapped behind out numbered you spot four laser spotters in distance as each base gets captured you feel like wars lost but will not except death behind a tank, your team mate crawls through some foliage hiding what do you do this is battlefield, where predicting a out come is impossible.
Games like call duty tend to be predictable where each location becomes remembered within brain but with maps like metro it reflects poorly and i think ea should release another beta as metros a joke but i guess time will tell after all a beta is beta.
Accessing capsian map requires password and servers nasty when connecting too.
On all platforms but caspian beta's closed now except metro expiring on 10th october.
I know they're trying to make this game awesome as possible but i know ea's going wrong way about it maybe they should have released caspian then metro, it's like game owners receive beta "metro map" that relates to games that i will not bother mention but it is a nice map when you capture last objective when leaving metro tunnel while entering city hub, but still sucks.
I think they did good job on console and excellent job on pc version and console version really look nice, i didn't play play-station version sorry.
Stuff in bf3 can be over looked on any platform if your wiening about graphics on console they actually look good.
While xbox and ps3 have their limitations they excell in close quaters but suffer on draw distance while pc excellls on draw distance where foliage spans over horizon. cant comment on ps3 sorry but should look same as xbox.
# Foliage looks nice
# Ground texture looks also nice
# Facial animation looks rather poor comapred to bad company series
# Body animation looks great on all platforms
# Be advised this game runs similar to ea's medal of hour
# Lighting effects exceptional on pc and xboX no difference
# Renderings extremely fast on pc and rather slow on xbox but not to slow
# Sounds beyond amazing i mean "shock tastic" if that's even word
# Vast array of guns to collect
# Particle effects look strong on pc sharp and vivid and quickly vanish on console rather quick like smoke, debris, but cant be one hundred percent as it's only beta
# Poor knife kill animation and how knife reacts with environment can ruin game experience but that's just my opinion
# 12vs12/32vs32 this i noticed actually shaped what battlefield was about pc felt more stategic with far more players on screen you felt like child lost in shopping mall as each team was organised while console had no strategy felt like clan war 12vs12 where most held one side of map while other stormed in trying their luck but the experience was not similar as alot campers where on console then on pc.
Things i noticed in battlefield 3 i liked that can be over looked that seem fresh if graphics is all you want
Laser spotting
Flash lights
How rocket screams in tight corners reflecting beautiful shadow
Change how you react in situation. when (4 team mates) storm through metro tunnel for example and notice flashing light gazing towards them they go prone and shoot, but when you suddenly notice a red laser beaming down in metro tunnel you suddenly straff left or right deciding what to do next really making game interesting.
The only massive difference in my opinion between pc and xbox version is how the game renders.
When i walk up to some object in metro takes longer render on console about 6 seconds and no seconds for pc.
When i snipe draw distance looks better and doesn't need render on pc.
While on console it looks pixelated since it requires you to walk in that general direction for that object or scenary to render.
Some would assume who cares but this also offers advantage too disadvantage,
Say caspian map became released on console and pc at same time not requiring password people would notice differences for example: say a snipers hiding in distance and you notice a bright flash from their lens minute you scope in their general direction u'll notice foliage on (pc version) and that actual enemy hiding there will require guess work for that shot to count.
For console owners there will be no foliage just enemy you can visually see aiding you on head shot while not guessing but visually will look bad
So there will be advantages and disadvantages on each platform.
Some who recently played caspian map find the joystick and controller easier while piloting a jet on pc compared to keyboard wouldn't suprise me.
I'm just trying to cover both sides of field but overall im really annoyed that every one who played beta didn't get shot at capsian rather then metro.
Well that's my experience so far you be judge.
Hay does any body know if it's possible for some gamers who game on xbox playstaion 3 from reading few statments will they be able to play console versions and merge their stats with pc version.
Or is console states different compared pc version i'm sure steams ps3-pc merge for portal 2 was same.
If for example some one get's an achievement or 2000 kills for something related in-game will that carry over assuming it's windows live and not steam, or i it devided between two platforms where playing pc and racking up rank 40 results in "you needing to level up all over again on console".
Reason why i brought this up is because majority of console gamers in here from their statments who cannot afford building a rig will they be able game on console but join up on pc later on when theyve obtianed pc.
PS3 because I don't know anything about PC hardware.
Youtube it. ps3 and pc are not far apart. apart from lynux os and ms os.
But you shouldn't fear it.
I could get the PC version but I enjoy playing more on by 360. LustForSoul
Nothings really stopping you maybe fear, . plus i'm not just refering to battlefield only but to all pc games. you can always game with your firends.
With battlefield ever so closing in it's just a matter of time till everybody decides what platform their going to play it on.
Rembember cods:
9v9 console
9v9 pc
And the more players the best experience ever. graphics or no graphics.
Some idea's for those who are thinking of buying console edition.
Go look on youtube for building pc check for some cheap pc parts, invest in hobby make your pc a entrtainment system build it like that, simplyfiy it. stick near big tv and add controller towards it, what ever way you look at it your experience will be increased greatly, if your an achievement whore then you will obtain achievements on xbox side while playing on pc version. but not playstation side sorry.
I strongly recommend those who game on consoles? BUILD A ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM FOR GAMING SO when pc exclussives come out just add xbox controller plug it in pc next to your massive tv and wallahh you'll never be cheated. and when finished switch to your console. after all consoles are pc too it's just your limited imagination, pc can take many shapes and forms.
So give it a go build one. and i can tell you! your enjoyment will be nuts, and when finished on pc. either carry it in room, "make a office up"or just leave it near your xbox/ps3 and big tv. pc should never be feared but understood that it's like a wild animal while console is a demesticated animal.
I just want everybody yo enjoy a rare experience that's all and pc can be set any way you like, after all it is a xbox and yes i could say ps3 in a different shape an form that is pc just more demesticated like i said.
Remember a pc's can be cheap as chips. for exmaple (i5 intel processors) are cheap but (amd processors) are cheaper as chips and would really help entry level. if you do your research you can like buy each part once a month or so and build a pc. i'm not refering to the pc that's in a office! or under a desk maxed out. im refering to a pc built by your specifications ones that sit near tv. all i'm doing is giving you an idea. and not all computers need parts ranging upwards in 5000$ range. only 500$ or less depending on you.
Need professor portal achievement, all friends on my list didn't bloody tell me they've played dam game, some never bothered to buy it. that's fine and dandy,
Well any one who has either left4dead or portal 2
But for any who want any achievement on l4d2, i'll make a trade proffessor portal for
for 2 achievements listed:
1Stil have something to prove
2 And what ever else achievement listed with in your mind
3 Or Portal 2 in general
Pm me when not busy or before this thread becomes stale and moldy :)
Linear can refer as anything it's when you mention linear as a game that indicates the game has no value, yes final fantasy was linear but what they did on previous titles in the past was simply make the game revolve around a world map. this worked extremely well while the story became linear, exploration didn't so based on how they made the game linear became irrelevent while todays fps games revolve around multi-player as non linear as anything could happen while stil retaining a generic story.
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