Hay i found a article regarding are you ashamed of gaming i found it facinating and would like to know what the community at gamespot think on all platforms, i doubt pc is a shunned thing since we use it everyday. i wouldn't know much about twitter if this is true what the reviewer wrote about gaming. i don't take any credit for the bottom review. just curious maybe you're too.
Are you embarrassed to be a gamer? Is it something you try to hide from your friends and family?
There's been athinglately on Twitter (a place games writers go to abuse each other and send drunken messages) called "shameless gaming". As far as I can make out, it's a movement to get people to complete their own piles of unfinished games.
That seems admirable to me, she said, eyeing the massive backlog on the corner of the desk. So why "shameless"? The existence of a push for "shameless" gaming suggests that some people consider gaming a shameful thing, and don't have enough time for it because they have to be furtive about their habits.
Why? There's certainly shame in gaming to excess, as there is in any pursuit you let devour your life unduly and without reason, but not in gaming itself. What's going on? A quick survey of participant comments in "shameless gaming month" suggest they do indeed actually feel embarrassed about some aspects of gaming - or even gaming in general.
"I'm playing my PSP on the bus like a loser for #shamelessgaming month," one Twitterati - paraphrased to protect the innocent and because I can't be bothered finding it - exclaimed.
Apparently, the poster is embarrassed to be seen playing a game in public - despite the fact that they are using aportable consoledesigned for use in just this kind of situation. Is there something wrong with spending your morning commute entertaining yourself rather than staring dully at the back of the head of the person in front of you thinking about reality TV? No, there bloody well isn't, and suggesting there is implies there's also something wrong with gaming in general.
"Ploughing through Braid for #shamelessgaming, feel weird, hope my MW2 clan mates don't notice" another admitted.
Here's an example of a gamer who isn't embarrassed by gaming, because it's a tough masculine experience played by burly, burly men bursting with testosterone who get together on the weekend, watch sports, pwn noobs, and talk about ladies in a degrading manner. Yeah! Manly!
Playing one of the most challenging platform puzzlers of recent years, on the other hand, is something he's embarrassed about. Is it the pretty flowers? The experimental narrative that asks you to think rather than be spoon-fed? By restricting gaming to just one, socially-acceptable aspect, this guy is saying he's ashamed to be a gamer.
"Nothing to talk about at work this week because I spend the weekend in #shamelessgaming. Can't admit that."
Now, this one's a favourite of mine, because when asked what he would normally talk about, the answer was the latest TV shows and sports results.
This guy would not be shy about admitting he spent two whole days sitting on the couch glued to the flickering blue screen - unless he had a controller in hand. It's not just that this guy's colleagues wouldn't know what he's talking about when he said he 100 percent-edRed Dead Redemption, it's that he's actually afraid of the stigma that results.
What is this cultural cringe? Why are we all so abashed by something we do for fun? Sure, it's not as admirable as saving baby fauns from loggers or whatever, but it's certainly not hurting anybody. Gaming's got more going for it than endless TV.
It's 2011. Increasingly, the borders between gamer and non-gamer are breaking down. Everyone hasAngry Birdson their phone. You don't need to be ashamed of your hobby, and you shouldn't need Shameless Gaming Month to give you an excuse to get out and game. Go. Now, before somebody gets hurt.
Did you take part in Shameless Gaming Month? Are you ashamed that playing games is your primary interest in life?
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