Why would i care for auto aim, forgot it existed, but now i feel lost, fragenstien is this what ps3 owners use, should have made a vote on what ps3 and xbox user use most on controll scheme, so i know there dirty little tactics in fps, lol :D
Ah maybe not, ill leave my pc to do pc things, and contoller to do what contollers do, thanks for help tho :) really, but just want to know if this controller is what it seems. that controller takes the fun out of gaming since you must be bound to a table to use mouse, that defeats the purpose why i have big tv, :(' i cant thow the contoller at people either with fragenstien either unless i decide what helped me more"'the mouse"or wii stick", that's bad cause it's two seperpate parts, wii stick and mouse, i cant relate to it, it's like asking me to cook eggs with no pan.
I SPENT 5457$ ON SAMSUNG LED TV IN 2009 NOVEMBER, AND LOVE IT JUST HATE SEEING NEWER "SAMSUNG" MODELS CHEAPER, LIKE 1500$ CHEAPER ANY HOWS I WOULD BUY A CAR OR INVEST IN SHARES Or something since i enjoy games and big TV display, and pcs become inferior ever so often when you always come out even more expensive PC PARTS, IMPSSOBLE MARKET TO KEEP UP WITH. im referring to gpu and CPU, golf storm the nastiest processor in world it's like having 10 boxes running at low process, it would eat crysis 2 for dinner, but wouldn't pay 5000k for it, games are games let games be.
I went to [Eb] today well the afternoon and noticed they sell controllers that mimic the xbox 360 controller while still retaining the ps3 look, you all may think oh so what! who cares, but i didn't actually handle it while the worlds best xbox controller is the"razor" for pro gamers. The controller at[ Eb] will give you an edge on ps3 with thumb sticks mimicking the xbox and the triggers to, tho i asked the guy and he said yeah it feels like ps3 controller but plays like xbox controller, with all the controversy from kinects dash board theme may annoy you it could be change to get this controller so you can have 2 similar controllers 4 two platforms, i like ps3 and xbox. but it's my personal preference that i dislike the ps3 controller, but love both. all im saying is this controller could make your gaming enjoyment better, for cheap price then im buying it. but need a final verdict since i didn't test it! the guy at eb seems positive it's xbox2ps3. Leave me comment if you used it, I'm not sure what the controllers called but it's 3rd party controller. If this is true then ps3/xbox gamers can come together and stop the hating. just different firmware for each console that will be different, while the games are still same with exclusives for each platform will be different. This controller could bring console wars to a "end" but sadly i didn't test it. since i was willing to pay 200 for custom built xbox controller for ps3 this was ages ago tho 8 months ago i kinda gave up till eb released this controller. i think it's wireless too , it was not actually viable in Australian market. tho if any one has used the controller leave your feed back. Crosses fingers will console wars ever end due new controller, for each platform, well this controller could be start, Most of the controllers that people listed here? is not the one from electronic boutique, i searched eb catalogue no list of this. but they were selling it in that store. Just wish i looked at the logo as i was mesmerized that some one created such a thing.
Well i cant speak for all but with all the games this year most have been major buggy. i will not speak of whom but of they, "fable 3" is great game just most voracious bugs Ive seen to date. i mean utter nightmares, =================================================================== 1: coop when closing in on loading screens does not actually load due some odd delay, =================================================================== 2:demon doors will not open for every one but must be persistent to get them open when you shouldn't be when it's something developers should fix =================================================================== 3:atrocious lag when online or off, it's bad, it grows on you but just foul. =================================================================== 4:loading screens take for ever and result in a infinite black screen that could take 5 minutes to wait or longer on occasions on coop. =================================================================== 5:if something goes wrong between saves your forced to do the collection on anything you had, books, gnomes, ect =================================================================== 6:sun set mansions glitched the chess board sits in idle and does not function at all when it saves forcing you to do a mission you already did resulting not being able to fast travel once inside mansion, nor be able to play chess ==================================================================== While there are many more these are the games major down fall it's easy to look past but really annoying that you cannot have 3 save slots to back track mistakes, since auto save is good just not good when the games buggy, Any one on xbox experience these things
Well i cant speak for all but with all the games this year most have been major buggy. i will not speak of whom but of they, "fable 3" is great game just most voracious bugs Ive seen to date. i mean utter nightmares, =================================================================== 1: coop when closing in on loading screens does not actually load due some odd delay, =================================================================== 2:demon doors will not open for every one but must be persistent to get them open when you shouldn't be when it's something developers should fix =================================================================== 3:atrocious lag when online or off, it's bad, it grows on you but just foul. =================================================================== 4:loading screens take for ever and result in a infinite black screen that could take 5 minutes to wait or longer on occasions on coop. =================================================================== 5:if something goes wrong between saves your forced to do the collection on anything you had, books, gnomes, ect =================================================================== 6:sun set mansions glitched the chess board sits in idle and does not function at all when it saves forcing you to do a mission you already did resulting not being able to fast travel once inside mansion, nor be able to play chess ==================================================================== While there are many more these are the games major down fall it's easy to look past but really annoying that you cannot have 3 save slots to back track mistakes, since auto save is good just not good when the games buggy, Any one on xbox experience these things
Dash board wise ps3 rules, games and content xbox rules, but right now i wanna go play playation 3 no i don't yes you do, ahhh dam this console war i just want my menu back :"(
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