Thats what sucks is that it currently isn't on the Playstation Store for download, so it won't be playable on Vita. One of the reason's I went ahead and got a new PSP after my old one broke. Some games just aren't available yet. Glad to see everybody else enjoyed it as much as I am, I'm already getting ready to get the psone games and the PS3 games to try.
I'll be honest I somehow never played this game until now, and I have got to say that for a portable 3-D RPG this is game is awesome. I'm not what you would call a die hard RPG fan by any means but I found this game for 5 dollars and decided to give it a whirl. Now I can't stop playing it. The power surge thing is awesome and I like how you can fuse your abilities into more bad A ones. The combat is pretty fun too, especially since I'm not such a fan of turn based games
I know this game got A LOT of hate, but seriously it's pretty fun. I think mostly it's the guns that are making it for me. The gun sounds and handling feel really good and both the multiplayer and single player are pretty good. Not to mention theres PC exclusive features like match recording and stuff. Although of course the single player seems super short and the story and dialogue sucks but still, it's only $24.95 right now on steam so I think it's worth it. Anybody else think this game got a bad rep?
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