i dunno, once in counter strike I was just kind of trying to see how long I could last only using the Desert Eagle just as 3 enemies came round the bend and I got head shots on all 3 of em. I always thought that was pretty neat
Ive always bought mine on ebay, but it seems that im starting to get more and more games that dont are in alot worse condition than the seller lists them as. Whats another good website that sells games (for good prices of course) that isnt ebay. Im considering Amazon, but id like to hear all of your suggestions of where you all get your games.
The first 360 I bought I got GRAW with it, Then i had to sell that one and I just now today (like 2 years later) got my new one and I got Dead Space, Blacksite area 51, and Star wars force unleashed.
i have my 3rd xbox 360 coming in the mail today. Not an elite though. I have heard that elites have a processor called a falcon processor or something like that, which doesnt burn up as easy.
I had to sell my xbox 360 and all my games a year ago but I have another one heading my way in the mail today along with 3 games; Dead Space, Star Wars Force Unleashed, and Blacksite Area 51.
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