I too played Just Cause 2 out of boredom ( I downloaded the demo one day ) and fell in love. I have JC3 pre-ordered and am looking forward to mass chaos and destruction.
lordransolaire's forum posts
As for single player it's a great game with an overwhelming amount of objectives, but the multiplayer is horrendous because as aforementioned by someone else no one plays the multiplayer as intended.
So many people have these false memories of the previous games, yet fail to realize that they were multiplayer only games too. The so called 'campaign' or galactic conquest modes were literally objective based multiplayer matches against the A.I. The new Battlefront is phenomenal, simply put. If you disagree that's fine, but don't start whining about how much "worse" it is compared to it's predecessor because not only are you wrong, but stupid as well. That being said sure I miss the space battles, but I'm sure it's coming later on in the form of DLC. To whomever said that multiplayer is repetitious fails to realize that after the completion of a single player only game that there's nothing else to do but replay the same exact game over again... So how is multiplayer any different? I have other people to play against constantly using different strategies which forces me to constantly change mine as opposed to seeking patterns from A.I. and breezing thru a game.
Dragon Age Inquisition was absolute garbage. The Witcher 3 is at the very least more interesting, and proves that other media iterations can be phenomenal without losing quality of the source material, but in fact embellishes and makes better.
I don't understand Fallout hype. They're not even that great to begin with. I have monumental amounts of respect for CDPR and is one of the few companies I will always buy from. When it comes to Bethesda I prefer The Elder Scrolls to Fallout. I do tend to overlook the issues with an TES game because they are genuinely fun. If they port Skyrim to current gen I promise I will have it on release day. That aside, yeah I feel you.
It's not that Syndicate is a bad game, but that the AC formula is stagnate and is in need of a serious overhaul. I don't hate Ubisoft, but I hate annual releases for any game. It breeds monotony and kills quality, and value.
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