I've been playing Tomb Raider since the beginning, and while I do somewhat miss the older games there's little to offer other than nostalgia. The franchise evolved a great deal over the years, but the reboot is exactly what Tomb Raider needed. So to an extent... Yes I miss the older game, but no I'm perfectly happy with where Square and Crystal Dynamics have taken the franchise. I can't wait for Rise of The Tomb Raider, unfortunately I have to wait until it drops on PS4, but that's okay with me.
lordransolaire's forum posts
Uncharted 2 of course. The campaign was solid, and fun. There was never a dull moment if memory serves, and the multiplayer component didn't feel tacked on and was genuinely fun enough to sink 60+ hours into. I miss playing Uncharted 2 online actually.
The same can be said about all FPS games. Halo was a phenomenal franchise until Bungie dropped it like a bar of soap in a prison shower. Call of Duty has capitalized on being predictable and marginally better then it's previous installment. The campaigns are usually solid, but are short lived. The only reason people buy CoD is for multiplayer... Matter of fact the PS3/360 versions of BOIII are of the multiplayer component alone meaning there is no campaign. Battlefield is also a franchise that suffers from fatigue. Again short campaigns, and littler else to do other than multiplayer which is quite literally the same as Call of Duty only on a more massive scale... So there's vehicles... Does you no good when you get sniped from 1000+ meters away... usually as soon as you spawn. As a whole the FPS genre needs a breath of fresh air. It's saturated the market, and there's little distinction between these games... I shoot, someone dies, things explode. Mix it up how you want, but the formula is stale.
The Wii U is regrettable simply because of the lack of third party support, and the trickle of exclusives is underwhelming. Nintendo is a ship that has capsized and is slowly sinking, and they believe that the NX is going to pull them out? Unlikely.
I love the concept. I'm a survivalist, and these sort of game are few and far between so when they happen I make sure to take note and play them.
Guns are by definition a tool to inflict harm and generally invoke unfettered courage within the individual wielding it. This gives a false sense of safety, and power. That being said a criminal is a criminal, and a gun is just an extension of them. Whatever malicious intent a criminal chooses to act upon and how the process is executed is based on what's available to them. There's so many guns that are undocumented, and unaccounted for that the act of disarmament of American's would be the single worst mistake the powers that be could make. Besides... who's going to disarm us? It sure as hell isn't the U.S. Army or any branch of our military simply because there would almost certainly be "Shoot to Kill," orders and that wouldn't bode very well with personnel. It's like those old NWO, and Fema Camp conspiracies that sparked an era of stupid not that long ago, and everyone thinks that our negro president is the anti-Christ, Please! Get over yourselves and actually use some critical thinking skills.
It's aesthetically pleasing, but there's no definitive answer as to what the game actually is. I support the idea, but the reality I'm afraid is going to be underwhelming. I will at the very least give it a chance, but I am going to be extreme in my scrutiny.
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