my team for wi-fi was: Marth, Radd, Kain, Shiida,Gordin
I equipped Marth with Falchion, Radd with Mercurius, Kain with a forged Killing Edge with 30 plus Critical (or giv it to Radd and Mercurius for him), Shiida with Gradivus and Gordin with Parthia
practically, my team is almost full of legendaries weapon and an extra forged weapon with good Criticals
if u wnt someone with axe... barst was my election bcs of its stats
I dont like Abel that much... Kain is a little better than him in stats
if u wnt, equip merric with starlight and put it in ur team
u can change radd for nabarl
its better to hav a variety of weapon in ur team.
hope that my ideas were of help =)
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