Seriously, EA? A few months ago you guys announced that you won't be doing Online Passes any more going forward because they are unpopular with gamers. Oh wait, that was because you knew what MS was planning and you were banking on Sony following suit.
So by saying you won't do Online Passes any more (prior to the Xbox One announcement conference), you were trying to look like the good guys, knowing that MS would do your dirty for you. Only now, Sony told you and MS to eat shit and so now you need to find some vernacular to weasel your way back into doing Online Passes again. Do you think we are stupid? You're the worst gaming company in the world! You are the worst COMPANY in the world, period. **** you.
@SavoyPrime @tu2pac @DarthMallrat I don't think so. My brother and I and a lot of my friends have been loyal to MS since the first Xbox. Not anymore. They basically destroyed over 10 years of brand loyalty with the greed that is the Xbox One. I'm hearing the same sentiment from my friends. Halo is an old franchise and to me it no longer has the power to secure loyalty like it once did. Destiny is basically Halo reskinned so we'll have an outlet for that type of playstyle on the PS4 anyway.
@MrMan2000 @lorenzoa88 All good points. I had not considered the angle of people not getting both systems due to online costs, but I think you're completely correct on that point. I won't be getting both systems this time around (I have both now but mainly play on 360 and use PS3 for movies) because of the online cost, as you said. People are prob going to have to be more selective this time around unless they are willing to shell out $110/year for online services.
As to PS3 owners being upset about the PS4 online fee. I have no doubt that their will be. But they don't really have a choice unless they want to get a Wii U. And the PS4's pricing is still cheaper than the Xbox One so I think Sony played it smart this time around. But I guess we'll see come the fall.
@MrMan2000 I don't think the yearly subscription for online multi-player will really get any traction. Its a minor thing in comparison to the heavy restrictions that come with the Xbox One. It's also not going to mean a thing to anyone who was a 360 player, like myself, because we're already used to paying for Live. And PS4 network will be $10 cheaper than Xbox Live.
The only reason online was even offered for free on PS3 is because the console arrived 2 years after Xbox 360 and they needed an incentive for people to buy one, especially when you look at the PS3's initial price tag. And then PS3 suffered from security issues b/c their online network wasn’t well protected (that's what you get for something that's free). I'd rather pay them the money and give them the incentive they need to keep the PS4 network secure.
MS really messed up this time around. They lost me as a customer for the next gen and they've lost most of my Xbox buddies too. No one wants Kinect (esp online all the time watching you) and no one wants restrictions re: sharing, used games or online drm. And frankly, no one wants a company that's unwilling to listen to consumers (all in the name of corporate greed). Look at EA's reputation. MS is basically now giving EA a run for its money in being the greediest most costumer despising corp.
lorenzoa88's comments