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loserkid962 Blog

Stop sending me UNION REQUESTS!

Hey I'm alright with the occasional request but usually i get excited when i see a message... But when i see a request it just annoys me now. And i get 2 every day at least. So PLEASE!! Stop spamming me with union requests.

So i've been suspended for 5 days, and i gotta say. I loved it!...

Well a couple days ago i was suspended for "clearly insulting other users" I don't really understand it but heh. I'm back now which is kind of a drag really. When i was gone i had time to focus on Bioshock. I have now beaten the game twice. One evil, and one good. I also picked up metroid and I'm almost done with that (The game is REALLLY fun, perfect game for any Wii player). Ohhh!! I forgot! Big news!!! I'm getting a new computer, with really good gaming parts. 2 GIG RAM FTW. Rofl, I'm also getting a new motherboard, cpu, video card. All that great stuff, I mainly want to doit so i can run games such as Bioshock at their highest performance. I'm also getting Crysis!! It'll be hard to get that runnin' at it's highest performance since the game is incredibly beautiful :P. Well, I'm gonna go. See ya later.

Im soooooo mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Today i went to Blockbuster because i had been hearing God of War 2 was an awesome game. Okay i got there and they had 1 copy behind the God of War 2 box... I bring it to the clerk there to find out they dont have the disc :evil:. I was very mad but i didnt freak out or anything. But at the end of the day i bought a really crappy game, that game is Redsteel. Theres one thing i can say bad about red steel. Gameplay.:x

Bioshock - Game of the Year + My first review under Bioshock PC!

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Yeah I bought the game the day it came out at like8 AM and right when i picked it up i rushed home and started playing. And what can i say? IT OWNS! The graphics are beautiful, the gameplay is intense. The music is just great and the voicing is amazing. It is a shear achievement for 2k games. I really love the game, the use of plasmids is just so much fun. Although the guns could do a little more damage. Sometimes they barely even scratch the "splicers" (the citizens of rapture who now just roam the halls looking for a fix of ADAM). But overall this game is great. Sometimes i wont even do the mission I'll just wander off and go do something else :D. I've already beaten the game,but even though ive beaten it i still want to play. It's pretty amazing because thats not like a lot of FPS single player games. The game is a tiny bit slow on my computer but thats no matter, this game is great. I give it a 9.8.


Heya, i've had xfire for well over a year now and i was wondering if anyone of my friends on gspot had any accounts, if so i would love to get it. I'm sick and tired of this lame message system. takes like 10-20 minutes to get a message back. if you have xfire, add me my account name is Mastashakez

2moons, a very fun MMORPG

Hey ya i just downloaded this new free fun MMORPG called 2moons and what can i say, It's a blast. I mean the graphics arent bad at all there's plenty of blood ;) lolz! and it overall it's just a great experience. There are 6 classes to choose from, the variety is from a very cool spellcasting mage, to a very strong bagi warrior :). I'm a level 14 Azure Knight which is basically just like a fury warrior for those of you who have played WoW and have gotten passed level 40 on a warrior :D. I've only been playing it for a day but already i can say this game is great. Good gameplay, I aspecially love the Diablo crossing with Guild Wars feel you get. Just amazing. Well I can say a lot more about this game but I'm going to leave you with that.
You can download the game from If you ever decide to join me in playin the game, drop me a line telling me your characters name and i'll message you as soon as possible :):D:P;)

the triple topic blog...

WTF PUSH ME THAT EXTRA .15% 99.85%!?!:( lol, well i still need your wii codes!!! I haven't really gotten any yet lol. :(. Oh and last nighti discovered that i liked a new anime, Naruto. It's on all weekend and i stayed up till like 7 AM watching it. there's like suspense whenevera commercial starts, it's great ;)