Assassin's Creed 1, 2 and Brotherhood, Dead Space 1, Portal 2, Mass Effect 2
lostfan132's forum posts
if god hates satan, why not destroy him? isn't god all powerful? didn't god create hell? If i was god and there was some evil demon tempting and tormenting my followers, i would just destroy him with a snap of the fingers. Good fairy tale to scare the living crap out of kids though, i'll give the christians that....
Zimmerman is a coward and likely racist. Saw a black kid walking, calls the police, police tell him to not confront the kid, ignores police and confronts the kid, kid in self defense beats the living crap out of this bigot, so the bigot takes out a gun and shoots him. how hes not arrested tells you everything you need to know about America, particularly the South.
any online game where you want to win, particularly fifa for me, since im pretty good and hate to lose, if i sucked i wouldn't care.
for single player games demon's souls, killzone 2 last level, dead space games(good stressful), ninja gaiden
well im just pointing out how flawed your logic is, what you believe doesn't matter to me. but i would argue theres evidence that aliens could exist, in that even on earth life persists in extreme conditions, and with the size of the universe, it wouldn't be a leap of faith to say there is probably some sort of life out there.
I missed when my logic was shown flawed. You merely told me I am hypocritical for not accepting the existence of aliens (whom I have no good reason and or evidence to believe in) and instead accept Christianity (which I do think I have good reasons for accepting, Philosophically and Historically).
well theres a difference between acknowledging that Jesus existed, and believing that he was born to a virgin, turned water to wine, walked on water, died on the cross and was ressurected 3 days later, that snakes talk, the the earth is 6,000 years old, that Noah put 2 of every species on the planet into his boat, that if you don't believe that God exists you will go to an eternal hell. I can admit that Jesus is was likely a real historical figure, and that he was a good man, but i see know logical evidence to believe the rest.
do you know how hypocritical your post is? You won't believe in aliens until there is significant evidence, but you believe in God based purely on fairy tales in a 2000 year old book and faith.
thats like me saying i believe in aliens because i read war of the worlds.
The funny thing is people would have me believe in aliens (whom we have no evidence of their existence at all except an assumption intelligent life must have neccesarily developed in the universe) but then tell me I can't believe in God based on the Historicity of the Ressurection of Christ and Philosophical reasons, Morality and logic. So is it hypocrticial? Yes, but not for me.
well im just pointing out how flawed your logic is, what you believe doesn't matter to me. but i would argue theres evidence that aliens could exist, in that even on earth life persists in extreme conditions, and with the size of the universe, it wouldn't be a leap of faith to say there is probably some sort of life out there.
I once heard it said "Chrisitanity is hte only religion in which extra terrestial life poses a problem" and I just don't see that. I am particularly skeptical of aliens existing and won't believe they do till I have some good reason to believe they exist, but if such life should exist, so be it.
do you know how hypocritical your post is? You won't believe in aliens until there is significant evidence, but you believe in God based purely on fairy tales in a 2000 year old book and faith.
thats like me saying i believe in aliens because i read war of the worlds.
hey bro check out my video tapes of every moment in the history of the universe( i want to see how the universe started, dinosaurs, events etc)
So if I live a happy life, don't do bad things to people, treat everyone around me equally etc, but i don't bow down to the feet of "God", I am still going to an eternity of fire and torture? Yeah sounds like a jerk to me.
On the other hand someone can rape women, kids, murder people, and towards the end of their life accept Jesus Christ as their savior, and all is forgiven God just says "come on up, enjoy the party baby". Do people realize how stupid this fairy tale is?
what ive heard from alot of players is that the opening level has framerate drops, after that its fine. im guessing alot of sites are popping in the first level and just publishing that. Colin from IGN reviewed it on Ps3 and said something similar, problems in the beginning, smoothe sailing from there. Maybe Bioware patches it.
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