resistance games are fun for the singleplayer, the guns and level design are top notch for the genre. I would just get those collections sony made packaging the trilogies. Even Resistance 1 is fun (has that old school fps design to it). While the other two are more modern. Killzone 2 and 3 (haven't played the first) are must haves simply to show off the power of the PS3. Best graphics on the system right next to Uncharted 2 and 3. The gameplay has a heavy feel to it, but you get used to it, and the set pieces are top notch, the story is nothing great, but the the universe Guerilla created is at least interesting, so basically its crappy characters, interesting universe.
lostfan132's forum posts
kinect Muppets
kinect chris brown "beatdown edition"
Halo 5
Gears 4
Forza 5? (not sure where they are with that)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 timed exclusive DLC
from last gen
1. Silent Hill 2
2. Metal Gear Solid 3
3. Resident Evil 4
4. Grand Theft Auto Vice City
5. Final Fantasy X
6. Kingdom Hearts
7. Persona 4
8. Persona 3 FES
9. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
10. Silent Hill 3
This Gen
1. Dead Space
2. Orange Box
3. Portal 2
4. Left 4 Dead 1/2
5. Assassin's Creed 2
6. Batman Arkham City
7. Bioshock
8. Super Mario Galaxy 2
9. Dead Space 2
10. Uncharted 2
I say EA, yes Activision milks some franchises, but to be fair Call of Duty keeps selling, so why not make more, it's business 101. If you want COD to die, stop buying it every year. EA does seem to give new Ip's more chances but they love microtransactions, which isn't ethically bad because your not forced to pay for anything you don't want.Â
I say 8, I tend to be shy at first, but once you get to know my I joke around a lot. Most people seem to find me witty and funny.
The first silent hill movie was pretty good, especially compared to any other video game adaptation. It at least captured the atmosphere of Silent Hill well. Not as good the games, but better than most horror movies these days.
Bethesda for sure, crappy game mechanics and bug ridden games, "forgive" because they made this mast boring world littered with crappy game mechanics and bugs with boring storylines and characters.
For a long time my greatest game of all time was Metal Gear Solid 3, however recently i dusted off my PS2 and played one of the games that was always on my backlog, Silent Hill 2. IMO Silent Hill 2 is the greatest game of all time( at least from what i have played), the game is so disturbing to play, if the goal of the developer was to make the player feel utterly disturbed, they 100% succeded. As you play on the despair just continues, the game isn't hard at all mechanically, but i found it so hard to play more than 30 mintues at a time because the game just made me feel so depressed and disturbed. The music is haunting yet beautiful, the camera angles add to the fear. SH2 is one of the only games i can think of that i would consider a piece of art that can hold its own against the best novels or films, the fact that its more than 10 years old shows how ahead of its time that game was.
Uncharted series.
Seriously? What is so great about a 8-10 hour linear campaign in each game? I dont get it. CoD gets ripped on for the same 6 hours linear campaign every rehash year, why shouldn't Uncharted?
because the characters are great, great storytelling(not necessarily great story), fun gameplay, great set pieces, amazing graphics. Also theres a Cod game every year, Uncharted has been on a 2 year development cycle, which gives fans time to appreciate the next installment rather than be burnt out on it.
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