[QUOTE="lotusclown"]bullet time can be useful, but u still gotta pay attention cause u can still be hit, i've actually died in the middle of bullet time before.. shoot dodge is almost useless tho, especially on hard mode, shoot dodging on hard mode is basically like saying *kill me* to the enemies.. lol I'm playing on hard and I heavily rely on shoot-dodging :p Just depends on how good your aim is I guess got me killed whenever i tried it.. to be honest i hate this game, i praised it in the begining till i realised how cheap the AI truly is.. there is NO way to get good at this game and i've tried everything, i have no clue why so many claim its so great, and don't tell me i just suck either cause i beat demon souls!!! its impossible to develop a stratagy... of all the shooter games i've played the only one that comes close to having as cheap AI as this one is farcry 2.. i plan on trading my copy in this week, wish i'd never bought this game.[QUOTE="K-E316"]
Really? Have you tried shootdodging/bullet time? That usually helps.
lotusclown's forum posts
bullet time can be useful, but u still gotta pay attention cause u can still be hit, i've actually died in the middle of bullet time before.. shoot dodge is almost useless tho, especially on hard mode, shoot dodging on hard mode is basically like saying *kill me* to the enemies.. lolReally? Have you tried shootdodging/bullet time? That usually helps.
[QUOTE="PoisoN_Facecam0"]GOW 3 is pretty mediocre imo, I mean sure the character models looks good (in some areas) but its a pretty lackluster example, and its not really about maxing out because different art styles and methods of rendering produce different results.AdziboyI agree with you, apart from the 'lackluster' example comment. It's certainly a beautiful game - not my cup of tea, but some scenes are incredible in both detail and magnitude. I wouldn't say it's the best looking though. I think it's still incredible how a much older game - MGS4 - is still absolutely incredible looking. yea GoW 3 was certinly decent looking but far from the best eye candy i've seen on ps3, max payne 3 looked way more detailed and realistic imo, especially in cut scenes..
the fact that when u die ya gotta start ALL THE WAY over almost made me cry at times while playing this game, and i usually never let something as simple as a videogame get me upset, but if there's any game that puts u in a bad mood its max payne 3.. and yea i hate to tell ya but it does get worse, wait till ya get to the airport, your gonna luv that sh!t.. :lol:
my biggest issue with this dlc is u couldn't explore arkham city with robin.. why not??? it would have been so damn fun running the sandbox with him, but instead all he got was a few brief strait forward missions, i feel like the really cool moves he had were wasted, like the bullet shield, u only need to use it like 3 or 4 times.. yea it sucked, robin was the main reason i got so hyped about this dlc.. damn shame. :(
bayonetta was pretty cool, they were planning a sequel but it got cancelled, shame too.. i thought it could have been an awesome series..
[QUOTE="Totalgym9000"]If you don't like God of War 3 you just lack epicness......Pikminmaniac
Or you are a gameplay over all else kind of guy and have played DMC before... In that case God of War would be a major downgrade
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-Rayman Origins
-Batman Arkham City
-Batman Arkham Asylum
-Devil May Cry 4
bottom 5
-Uncharted 2
-the Sly Collection
-De Blob 2
-Modnation Racers
I'm a gameplay over all else kind of gamer. If a game focuses on cinematics or story in a way that deminishes or gets in the way of gameplay it ticks me off.
^^^ THIS. the GoW series sucked balls! omg does it suck... i have NEVER understood why so many like it, especially when u play games like Dante's Inferno which is FAR superior and hell they tried to claim that game copied from GoW.. lmfao cute... the least they could have done is leave out the pornagraphy in the last one, gosh it made me feel like a pervert playing it, when i got to aphrodity or however u spell that b!tches name i quit when i realised it was porn butten pressing type disturbing boss fight where u actually have to out sex her or whatever.. i mean seriously??? i never touched that piece of sh!t game again when i saw that and anyone who does has serious issues imo.. just sayin..
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