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#1 lowcally
Member since 2008 • 77 Posts
Lol Battlefield 2142 just felt like a Battlefield 2 Mod.
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#2 lowcally
Member since 2008 • 77 Posts

The gameplay in Rainbox Six Vegas felt amazingly cool, especially the smooth transitions between first person and thrid person cover mode; and then blind firing around corners. Guns are also really loud like they should sound in real life :D

Crysis > Call of Duty 4 lulz

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#3 lowcally
Member since 2008 • 77 Posts
No particular order, and I know theres a lot of games I want :cry:

Mirrors Edge

Crysis Warhead

Far Cry 2

Project Origin


Grand Theft Auto 4

The Last Remnant

Left 4 Dead


Fallout 3

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

Tomb Raider; Underworld

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway

Aion: Tower of Eternity

Red Faction: Guerrilla

Battlefield Heroes

Saints Row 2

Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise - PLX port to PC :D
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#4 lowcally
Member since 2008 • 77 Posts

If anyones honest to themselves, you would never want to run Crysis on a Nvidia 6 series card: hell I remember way back when my 6800 card struggled to run F.E.A.R. on its high settings. To do Crysis any justice you need a 8 / 9 series card and a 7 series as a bare miniumum for proper graphical enjoyment :)

Nvidia; The Way It's Meant To Be Played !

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#5 lowcally
Member since 2008 • 77 Posts

Crysis 2:

We return to the island wihich is now a nuclear wasteland. Some aliens survived the blast and you'll fight your way through them as you track down Prophet, but this part is primarily exploration. You find what you believe is Prophet's corpse, but before you can scout out the area, you get reports that a large number of alien spacecraft have been spotted in the solar system and you have immediate orders to evac. The alien ships are a search and rescue sent in response to the (distress) message picked up at the end of Crysis, but Earth governments assume it's an invasion fleet and engage them as they enter Earth atmosphere, which happens shortly after you get off the island.

The ships enter atmo over the Pacific, but move toward the US as most of the attacking forces are flying over US airspace. The ships devastate much of America as they fly overhead, and hold off the global response but it's essentially a battle of attrition, and with multiple militaries (US, UK, Russia, Japan) engaging them, Earth wins. The final battle is fought over the Atlantic. The player will participate in some epic dogfighting here.

The last ship is disabled but not destroyed and its vector puts its crash zone about 30 miles off Boston in the Atlantic. The US government wants to salvage as much technology as possible, and because only the coastal area is expected to see casualties from the tidal wave, and these are expected to be relatively light (considering the state of the rest of the country), the US government decides to let the craft crash rather than destroy it.

Before crshing, the ship unexpectedly comes back under control and veers into the city where it crash lands. Before landing, it unleashes much of its remaining arsenal on the city, causing enormous devastation to a city which was already in a state of chaos and panic.

With the threat neutralised, you (and your regiment) are ordered to secure the city and the alien technology, but it quickly becomes apparent that the Russians (who brought a large percentage of their navy into the Atlantic without US response during the battle) have invaded on a large scale to secure the city (and are advancing on others) and have taken control of the ship and its surrounding area, as well as large pockets of the city in tactical strong points.

Intel indicates that an airborne invasion of the city would result in significant tactical losses. Your regiment (as well as a large British taskforce stationed in the Falklands) group on the western outskirts of the city and prepare to take it back block by block. The player will alternate between participating in large scale battles in the devastated urban environment and advanced recon and sabotage. The player will sometimes be accompanied (Call of Duty 2 styIe) by a full military force, sometimes just by his Delta team (which you now command and you can issue orders to your men but they are also autonomous and will mimic your styIe of play), and sometimes you're alone.

The final act sees you crushing the remaining Russian forces, taking back the ship and boarding it, the clearing it deck by deck of aliens (this will be similar to the zero g of C1, but also a very unique experience by itself). You locate a command deck of sorts and discover that there is a small alien vessel hiding behind the moon.

The final sequence sees you and a considerable percentage of Delta Force and the SAS leaving Earth in an out-of-atmosphere military space vessel (a top secret US/UK black op technology). Your missiion is to dock with the ship and commandeer it if possible, and destroy it if not. The alien ship does not leave the cover of the moon during your journey. Shortly before you arrive in lunar orbit, you receive message that a nuclear war has broken out between America and Russia, and that most other nuclear nations have joined in. The final transmission is garbled, but it seems like it is an order to stand down and dock at the international lunar colony - the first baby step towards colonisation of the moon.

A debate breaks out between the soldiers as the final transmission was unclear and command can no longer be contacted. The ranking officers decides there's only one thing to do - continue with the mission. The ship appears to be low on power, and the docking bay is open. The Earth ship lands inside the alien carrier and the soldiers suit up and prepare to take the ship. As they are doing so, the docking bay doors close, the ship comes to life and we see the ship power up and fly out of sight at great speed. The camera spins to show a ravaged earth with nuclear blasts breaking out all over the surface.

Roll credits.


Wall of text :(

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#6 lowcally
Member since 2008 • 77 Posts

I was considering buying one of the sets, but I have a nagging feeling this is one of those things that will never take off and eventaully be discontiuned.

I'm geniunely intrested in buying it for Doom 3:http://www.ambx.com/site/consumer/games/PCgames/doom3 and future games if they support it.

Has anyone got it, and can they tell me if its any good?

The reviews on Amazon seem bad :? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Philips-AMBX-Premium-Kit-Ambient/dp/B000PTYORG/ref=pd_sbs_ce_3

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#7 lowcally
Member since 2008 • 77 Posts
A gaming PC costs more than a office PC lol.
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#8 lowcally
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Crysis Warhead > Far Cry 2 !!!
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#9 lowcally
Member since 2008 • 77 Posts

As I said before. Better story, less aliens fight.thusaha

I thought Crytek planned the plot arc as to the Koreans and Americans, calling a temporary truce to fight the aliens. Meaning you will only fight aliens? :shock:

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#10 lowcally
Member since 2008 • 77 Posts

Different locations; I'm sick of jungles. Also, a much better variety of guns. I know the attatchments give variety, but using the same assault rifle for everything gets boring.

Plus better aliens and less bugs.


Well they're improving alien AI in Warhead:

Crytek also listened to complaints that Crysis' enemy AI was lacking, and is working to improve it for Warhead, especially in the aliens, who will appear to have more human-like organization. Group tactics will be improved, and Korean combat chatter will receive an upgrade to better inform you of what the North Korean soldiers are up to.