My favorite video game boss was bowser. It was just fun to keep owning him until he finally gave peach up. This repeats through every game which makes it fun because he keeps coming back.
Red faction guerilla is fun for about a week or two. Then the game just gets boring. You can't really unlock anything. And they ruined red faction by putting it in third person. the only thing i like is everything is destructible.
One of the most annoying video game characters of all time is Ramon from GTA4. He just can't handle himself. And every time im just free roaming in GTA4 Roman calls me and like get over here im in trouble that happens about 5 times through out the game. His personality is also annoying he just think everything circles around him.
I never played it but it seemed really fun. I watched all the gameplay and trailers of it. Its cool that you can create your own map. The graphics also looked nice. So i would think its a good game for some one who hasn't played it.
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