I think i know the problem When you do split screen on lbp the second player comes up as stuff like for instance "lucarocks1's best friend" or "lucarocks1's worst enemy". This secret crush thing could be the same thing. Are you sure you are assigned player one? It could just be a weird glitch.
Patapon if you haven't already. Some of the minis are pretty sweet too, you should check the store to see what you think you'd like. I recommend Fieldrunners.
Format = Erase. At this point your data is all gone.
Edit: Sorry i read your post wrong. If you're just referring to the update then yes, it needs to be in a folder labeled update.
Thanks, does the update folder have to be within a PS3 folder ( which I used to backup my game saves ) or not? I'm guessing the update is integrated into the PS3 system itself and not a folder. No I ment downloading the update from the PS website and putting it a folder named PS3 on the USB stick but never fear I got it working now :)
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