Honestly yeah I guess. Instead of you though Im just heading back to Steam.
luckylucious' forum posts
Microsoft is so out of touch with gamers right now.. It all started with Sony dragging their nutsack across Microsoft's face early this gen.. that got them shook from the start. Then Nintendo drops a bomb with success of the Switch. Month after month Xbox is lagging behind in 3rd place.. i really think they are demoralized from all the losing. Sad times for gaming.
Post made me cry. Sony has always had better exclusives then Xbox though.
Sorry kids, Halo doesn't cut it anymore.
@luckylucious: Holy cow, some Republicans are starting to advocate for single payer now?!
The times, they are a changin'.
Single Payer is the only solution to affordable healthcare. I will admit many countries are ahead of us in this aspect.
... So you are against government agencies like the FDA in insuring the food you shove in your mouth meets minimum standards in food safety? Or that the car you buy doesn't blow up in your face because they have to follow certain government safety inspections and regulations? Or the water you swim in at the beach is not filled with heavy metal toxins dumped by a company freely? You're against government laws and agencies that protect your rights as a worker for multiple things? If these things are bad why are the countries with the highest standard of living around the world all have these government agencies and protections for the free market?
I think you're misunderstanding OP. He is very much a big Government capitalist:
Government steps in only to make sure the environment isn't harmed beyond repair. The only other time the government steps in is when it looks like going to be a monopoly, then the APEX predator steps in and starts feasting. THAT is a real pure market capitalism. Minimal interference, no favoritism.
Thats when the apex predator (government) comes in and wreks havoc on the largest corporations. These miniature monopolies in health care markets is one example of divergence from pure free market principles. They artificially made state line restrictions so people cant buy health care across state lines. This is NOT how a free market works...its corruption at its core. Government has a duty to step in, either by single payer, or banning state line restrictions.
Any true Capitalist realizes there needs to be a leash/balance on the system in some aspects. The government in a lot of ways needs to reinforce the Free Market. In that sense the OP is completely right IMO.
Obamacare for example, is an utter sham that needs to be slowly phased out and replaced by single payer healthcare. It simply doesn't work (Premiums are ridiculous on the middle class, plans going up 20% on individuals).
Obamacare was a move for the big corporations and anyone who has been paying attention sees that. Its hilariously obvious and I'm sure Barry is probably have a good laugh right now.
I don't know OP, I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. It seems like the Pope Francis is on point IMO;
He demanded a simplified process of granting humanitarian and temporary visas and rejected arbitrary and collective expulsions as “unsuitable.” He said the principle of ensuring each person’s dignity “obliges us to always prioritize personal safety over national security.”
Simplifying the process and concern for personal safety over national security sound more sane to me.
Black on black crime is a huge issue progressives like to ignore;
"According to 2014 FBI data, 90% of African-American homicides were committed by African Americans. Similarly, 82% of white American homicides were committed by white Americans—what we might, but don’t, call “white-on-white” crime."
Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/07/27/why-doesnt-black-lives-matter-doesnt-focus-talk-about-black-black-crime/87609692/
It happens, please don't discard it just because some sources might be exaggerated.
There can always be more. Constant improvement and innovation to or defenses are needed. I mean what is your logic here? Idealistic liberal pacifism is a joke. We always need more nukes and weapons, its just the facts. It doesnt matter how many we have, we can always be better.
Who said I was solely looking at negatives though? Im just describing how the word is, whether you choose to interpret that as negative or not is your choice. For me though I'd rather accept the reality and turn it into something positive.
Is it the perfect system? Obviously not but it coincides with human nature's more brute aspects nicely and helps channel competitive behavior into a system that can benefit everyone. Thats capitalism.
Communism prefers an economic dictatorship though, so obviously Communism and its proponets are a threat to freedom. Its just the truth.
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