I suggest you to fight the big daddies because you need ADAM to upgrade yourself, or you'll have a hard time fighting the splicers and the bosses. At first it's hard to fight the big daddies on survivor difficulty but you should check the area before starting to shoot the big daddies. Where the big daddies are walking, search for areas where you can hide from his bullets, around corners, for example run around the corner and come from his back and shoot him, repeat this untill his dead. you shoul also be patient, just shoot a couple os bullets/grenades, then run around some corner, don't be greedy :d because he gets you and the lifebar is decreasing quickly on survivor difficulty.
First use the powerfull weapons like armor piercing rounds, grenades later in the game when you get them, and especially the Chemical Thrower with Electric Gel is effective against big daddies, because when you start shooting with electric gel they can't move untill you stop or you run out of ammo, so you should have as much as Electric Gel possible, then start shooting with grenades, heat-seeking rockets or what you have in store. It's not so hard after you figure out how to fight the big daddies on survivor. You just have to study the area, search for covers before fighting them.
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