@Kingplayer1080 @BulKathos22 the story isnt deep just tries to be in a pretentious way. and the upgrades and enemies arent better than the first and didnt match the first one. I agree with the rest.
@Kaz32 not to mention Levine didnt even understand the concept he was using in the story.
MAYBE SPOILERS the entire game is about the schrodinger's cat thought experiment the last 30 seconds is back to the future. ._. Levine left reason behind and tried to be emotional in a weak way. theres no way to undo the possibilities, no solution, Booker going to Paris and dont give a **** about the other worlds is the only way to go.
@adamska156 @luizferrarezzi I have metro 2033 played on dx11 and doenst look any better than any recent game on dx9 so just using new tecnologies doenst do magic. the lightning, models, characters and animations arent one bit ahead of its time in metro 2033 and the campaign is boring and I have the feeling this is going down the same path.
luizferrarezzi's comments