Yup, you heard it, I'm going to try being more active with the coming of the Lego Universe beta soon. I want to try posting on the lego union more and see what happens :D
luke01999 Blog
The BIG Post! ;)
by luke01999 on Comments
@ Gamespot: So I haven't been very active on GS lately, with all the RL stuff (Homework, social stuff, ect.) and I'm sorry to all the unions that I haven't been very active on :S I should be a bit more active when some new stuff comes out in MLN. ;)
@ The Lego Union/MLN: Sorry tht I've not been active, if you need anything, or if I do, I'll probably post on my blog here unless it's urgent. Still looking for building mats if anyone has any, just PM me to unblock you ;) Infact I might unblock everyone for now as I'm not very active ;)
@ Gaming: I've been quite busy playing WoW, my main is at level 67/80 and I'm leveling a new alt aswell as making some cash :D Also, I've been playing a bit of AQW whenever I can - new games are always exiting as there's so much to come out that is your decision :D
@ Real life: As said, I've been busy with homework :( and social stuff. I went to a sleepover yesterday! m/ >.< m/ I've also been busy listening to the radio, as my cousin's cousin (my uncle's niece) is the lucky girl getting married on Mercury FM's secret Marriage! To the happy couple of Carly and Wesly! OMG, they are about to say the I do's!
EDIT: Lol, I just realised how many smileys I used rofl, they are now married as of 9:16 (I don't know if if was 9:15 at the time) lol, and I am going to the after party thing later. 8)
by luke01999 on Comments
I don't even know if that's a word, or if thats how to say it! To cut to the chase. I've blocked everyone on My Lego Network exept for my 2 accounts. It's nothing personal and I'll unblock everyone after I get what I need to rank up. Thanks! :D
My Collection
by luke01999 on Comments
OK, I've just added a bundle of games to my collection, and a few to my "Now playing" list. This is nowhere near all of my games so I will add more soon... as I have to pop to the loo... :oops:
Bloggie pictures...
by luke01999 on Comments
Just saying that I'm having a bit of trouble with the blog picture/s thing atm so the 'ol blog might look a bit weird
Also, last night my whole family got woken up by what we thing was a crow getting killed in our back garden, it was VERY loud ^^ .
by luke01999 on Comments
Well well... I think I'm back.
by luke01999 on Comments
I might have just came back to GS after all. Yup. I just found a World of Warcraft* union! So far it looks good and it should help me alot when I start playing again in December (I get a laptop for a joint birthday and Christmas present) . I look forward to it all.
*Or as I like to call it: World of Warcrack!
HELLOOOOOO people!!!
by luke01999 on Comments
I wont say I'm back because I dnt really like GS that much - with all the slow loading and that. But anyways, the thing that I'm on here is to tell you about a new game I've found that I like at the moment. It's only started a few weeks ago because its been in Alpha and Beta. It's called AdventureQuest Worlds an I like it atm. Try it an you might like it. I can't be bothered to come up with a whole lot more so that's that for now I guess.
P.S. @ all the guys an gals (and aliens/monsters/its): I popped onto MLN just now and was wondeing if anyone could give me 46 pipes, 47 gypsums and/or 30 clicks on my electricians module - I will give clicks and items in return.
@ Venom: your probably away but how are you doing on RS - good I hope.
Bye for now - Clawz93 8)
OK people, just so you know...
by luke01999 on Comments
Sorry 'bout that!
by luke01999 on Comments
I've said before but it was an accident that I posted 3 times... :roll:
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