Ok, now that W.o.W download stuff is over (for now, knowing my luck...) I thought I'd talk about some games and stuff. Last year in December, I got My Sims on Wii. I was really exited because I had been wanting it for ages. I turned on my Wii and strated playing. Already, in character creation, was the game getting good. You got to choose their clothes, features, hair and even their voice tone! Once you made your character, you got shown about by the Mayor. She then took you to your house but there was one problem... there was no house! As you are a master builder, you build yourself a house, completely how you want it, suited to your personality. Yoy then go round accepting people into your town from the hotel, building them stuff as quests or missions, then they will give you blueprints in return. You have a cool workshop that you get to build where you can make furniture completely how you want (again!) . When you do missions for people, your star rating goes up, one you have done a certain number of missions, you will gain a star rank! The aim of the game is to get to star level 5. When you gain a star rank/level, you unlock new tools, allowing you to get to new places by like: mining rock, sawing logs, breaking planks and even using a blowtorch to burn down metal gates! This is a really fun game is you have a creative mind, nothing like other sims games as you dont have to feed them. Buy this game! :D
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