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Doctor Who!

Well... I haven't posted about the Doctor in a bit so I might as well! :P The past couple of episodes have been good I guess but the current 2 part episode is exiting so far. If you want to find out more about this episode, click here: (you can even watch the episode there) . Also, the Doctor Who main writer, Russel T. Davies, is leaving so the guy that wrote the Weeping Angels episode is taking over as the main story writer - more scary stories!

P.S. Who do you think that Women who knows about the Doctor and has her own Sonic screwdriver, is?

A shout-out to all Cherub readers

I just thought I'd mention about my favourite series of books, Cherub. There are about 10 or 11 of them out now and all of them were great. They are a bit rude for younger readers but, hey, I have a more advanced mind than usual (I'm not a brain-box though, not a nerd either) . If you are a bit older then I completely recommend reading them, there is action, cliffhangers, romance and alot of comedy. Ask me for more info.

P.S. I have read all of the books 8)

P.S.S. My S.A.Ts finished last Friday, I think I did awesome on them!

\,,/ >.< \,,/

It's not so bad after all!

Today was the 3rd day of my SATs. Today we had a reading test, yesterday we had a Short writing, spelling then long writing test and on Monday we had 2 science tests. To be honest, a SATs week so far is much better than a normal week. The tests aren't so hard (not boasting here), we get to go out early for break (recess) and Lunch time then, in the afternoon, we get to go outside on the school field and get out games, draw some cool pictures inside or go in the computer suite! The only bad part of this week was yesterday afternoon in our very fun games lesson. People were just randomly getting things out from the equipment shed and my 'friend' got out a golf putter and a baseball (we have no golf balls luckily). He started to put the baseball around but then the bad thing happened... my 'friend' got the putter and hit the basball as hard as he could (and he's pretty strong for an 11 year old), and, guess what it hit? MY WAIST! IT ------- HURT! Not that I'm a wussy but after that I fell on the ground (and hit my head!) then started crying. What can I say? It hurt ALOT! Yeah. Then today (he is one of those people who generally get moody all the time) he got moody and started calling me a faker and other stuff I won't say. Life is odd...

I'm on!

I tried to post this,what, five days ago? But it didn't let me. Anyways, I got onto W.o.W, my luck changed for the best. I also one ten pounds at the dog racing that day. My dad asked me what dogs I wanted to win and I chose one. I won twice! I will rarely talk about W.o.W now as I guess you guys are getting sick of me taking about it. :oops: Thnaks for some of your support through this hard time... lol!

A new Union!

Yeah, you guys know I like W.o.W (when you play, you get addicted..) so, guess what? I made a W.o.W Union! It's called The World-of-Warcraft Union and if some of you guys could join to make it official, that would be great. As I've said to some others, if you are some of the first people to join, you will probably become officers!

2 days (including today) till I get World of Warcraft!!!


Ok, so. My goldfish died. :cry: His name was Rooney (I don't know why I called him that as I support Chelsea) and I think he died of some wounds. I don't know how he got the wounds because my other fish was a half blind female. I am not a Christanic person or however you say it, but I hope Roony is in all your prayers. :|

P.S. Gah! The shop had no W.o.W gamecards in stock so I have to wait till Saturday. (Again, knowing my luck something else will go wrong)


I just wanted to say that I wont be very active as much from now on. I will still go on every few day but I am really busy. I have my S.A.Ts in 5 days or a week and 5 days, I forgot. Also I plan to start playing W.o.W later today so I will need to catch up with my friends! ;)

My Sims

Ok, now that W.o.W download stuff is over (for now, knowing my luck...) I thought I'd talk about some games and stuff. Last year in December, I got My Sims on Wii. I was really exited because I had been wanting it for ages. I turned on my Wii and strated playing. Already, in character creation, was the game getting good. You got to choose their clothes, features, hair and even their voice tone! Once you made your character, you got shown about by the Mayor. She then took you to your house but there was one problem... there was no house! As you are a master builder, you build yourself a house, completely how you want it, suited to your personality. Yoy then go round accepting people into your town from the hotel, building them stuff as quests or missions, then they will give you blueprints in return. You have a cool workshop that you get to build where you can make furniture completely how you want (again!) . When you do missions for people, your star rating goes up, one you have done a certain number of missions, you will gain a star rank! The aim of the game is to get to star level 5. When you gain a star rank/level, you unlock new tools, allowing you to get to new places by like: mining rock, sawing logs, breaking planks and even using a blowtorch to burn down metal gates! This is a really fun game is you have a creative mind, nothing like other sims games as you dont have to feed them. Buy this game! :D

Breaking News!

Yo to the people!

Anyways, BREAKING NEWS *dum-dum-dum-dum-dum!*

OK, the download worked. :) But there was a second one... I calculated when it would be 100% which would have been about 9:00pm today GMT but for some good reason, the pattern changed! The download was done when I got back from school at 3:45pm! :D The second download was the "patching", my other friend that plays told me. I now have the game FULLY downloaded and plan to start playing on Thursday! WOOT!

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