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luke141eels Blog

7k posts and New union fall out boy plus link insidwe

Hi everyone this is just a quick blog post no real news I got 7k posts though which is good and I also made a union here is the link

It is just made and we need a banner if any one can make one that would be great I have started putting OT yopics in but I hope more people will come because those are there ... Looking for officers who post the union is going all right but not too bad because first few days we have around 70 posts which is Great I think but ... hoping more peole join thanks for reading btw Sonny bill went to france anyone watch leauge and ius furious

Anyone like fall out boy I need a charter

Is there any body who likes fall out boy if so could you please tell me and I will mkae you a charter in the union that I am creating I only need one more but I will aske for as much as I can get.... also no other news my brother is obsessed with ssbb and I am saving up for a ps3 because the wii has not many FPS or fighters I will probally get mario kart Wii first and dragon ball z 3 and maybe if pikmin comes out that but then I will start saving anyway plz be a charter

I have Brawl

Hello everyone who is reading this blog I hope you enjoy but it is about brawl so it will probally be boring since it has been out for such a long time well it just came out a few weeks ago in AUS and I got it on sunday I have only unlocked Marth and have got around 30% in the subspace something anyway I can see why everyone said it was so good it is great fun I have also got sonic tush advanced and some pc games which are some what amuzing anyway thanks for reading if anyone did read... Have a happy year... and E3 will be watchable again after it is played because I would miss out.

Spoiler and other bussiness

Hello everyone who is reading or has read this blog... I want to use the spoiler thing that everyone uses but I do not know how could somebody please help me I am not really good at this stuff one of the worst really anyway I wanted to know if anybody wanted to be a charter to my up-coming fall out boy union... I am very bored at the present time I have been doing nothing really except read posts quite boring so yeah can somebody please tell me how to make those spoiler things it could help mainly because the poke plushies take up a lot of space on my blog hedder and I want to make a spoiler with pictures of things I like ... Thanks for reading this I will probally update this blog tomorrow :D

Lent over

Well lebt is over and that means I can play my wii again I am staying up until 12:00 so I can hop straight on it then I will be playing a few games on it. I also brought a few new ones of the net mario party ds mario and sonic at the olmpic games ds I can't wait until I get them... Also happy easter to everybody where ever I hope you have a good one. I hope your holiday went well with most of you playing brawl while I was here alone in the dark lol well you get the point it is lonely here so its good that lent is over I will have my wii back and my games I will be getting via mail thanks for reading

No.10 DBS

Dark black shadow has got number 10 for a good talk that I had with him one time about FF moive I think a person from a few unions I knew him from. Anywaz once I remeber what I was going to say/write I will edit this post

no.11 ljrj and the capture of slime

The number 11 was a hard choice because not knowing many people on GS i lowered it down to 15 friends so descision was harder because I knew this would.... lol I am making this like a t.v. show :P if that made any sense :) ): which is the happy smilie lol anywayz back to ljrj He was a blog poster and a friend from some forums/unions. He was a very nice person.... Now to pt.2 of the blog the slime I have entered it the heat is on :P... Is it really that hard :) sad emotin < lol I am so bad at english and now I am talking to myself :P well .... well done ljrj You have been a good friend on GS... I bet you didn't see this coming being as though you have not really knew me... Anyway fall out boy rules all listen to them and here is the lader for guessing the next posistion The next clue is officer in the great nintendo gamer union and starts with D


Enter the slime and no.12 cabecao

Well tomorrow I will be entering the slime unless for some unexpected reason I do not go on Game-spot at all but that is highly unlikly I will probally do another 100 posts tomorrow which should get me across the line. Anyway back to bussiness of top 15 friends that is which is cabecao. He has been a good friend and a good leader in some unions (2) He has not been at my blogs but in unions which I became more attracted to as time went on and he helped me... And also no.11 starts with L He was in baks top 10 I think and yeah thanks