luke89330's forum posts
not sure if its just mine or not but on anyone elses demo, is there no sound when the dolby digital and dice logos/mini scenesare displayed?
no, there is no sound I realized this too and figured the reason they do this is because they want to compress the file for us Xbox Live user to download only a 1 or so gig demo. No doubt in the retail game, the EA, DICE, Frostbite logo all have their up-to-date animation and sound effect matched with BC2 (if you watch BC2 campaign trailer you would know how their animation look like, really cool imo) Plus the menus gonna change a lot for more features integrated, and the music will be full and frequent. I don't know what else they compressed in the demo, but I'm pretty sure the full game will have maximum production value.Best year ever for the next gen consoles, I don't think anything will beat 2010. I basically have 3 games in my collection that have recieved or will recieve a 9.5 (ME2, Bioshock 2 pre-ordered, BFBC2 pre-ordered).
Then we still have HALO REACH, FALLOUT New Vegas, COD Vietnam, Crackdown 2, Just Cause 2, Dead Rising 2 etc.........
so many 2s.... Dead Space 2, Lost Planet 2...It seems like the growth of video game titles just boomed 2 years ago...Dont cuz the game might be bad...Listen to me broLosPunkitoslisten to him, Its not like u get worthy good stuff from pre-ordering it anyway. Wait till the review.
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