Yea, go with i5 750 its better that 600 series. Or get AMD X4 Athlon/Phenom, cheaper, also the motherbord will cost less and gameing performance wise its similar.
luke_717's forum posts
Also, this is a bit offtopic, the CAMERA in PES its amazing. Dose not centers on the ball, like all the other sports games witch are giving me a headache. It is zonal. Such a simple thing and easy to implement that it puzzles me why EA dose not import it to all its sport games.
My first point about this game is that the PC screens look unbelievably good. However, I've heard that the gameplay really sucks. Is this true? And why is it that soccer is still being created for PC while football and worth while baseball games are not? Am I missing something here?
Football (soccer) games are still created for PC because they have a wider audience. And its not about men running in tights and taking land by force. (GTA3 anyone?)
PES gameplay dose not suck. Some animation are out of place but the play is fluent, realistic, dose not defy the laws of physics and that is important. Also the multipayer is awesome.
Just google "pes patch" you will find a lot of sites. The moding community is great. example
Tried it. The mouse control it's interesting but its much easier to play it the classic way.
Oh yeah, the game fking cheats and the referees don't know the rules. Still its nice that its free and can be played with others.
Is is any good? Heavily scripted like FIFA 20XX?
The graphics are awsome the gameplay is awsome everything is so awsome and well done that i have to say that it is my favorite game ever.MW2ISAWSOME
I bet you made a new account just to say that and see how people react. You hate it to but you wanna try the feelings of those people.
Resident Evil 4,unplayable.
I usually hate games that are hyped to look like the next toilet paper. People buy it, then other people buy it because it sold millions...and millions of people cannot be wrong, wright?
Halo's - they are all the same so...
Mass Effect 1,2 - (1/2)xKotor
Assassins Creeds - lets put it a cool name
Crysis/Warhead/Farcry2 - eyeporn
Modern Warfare 2
EA sport games
What kind of game do you like then?:?
At the moment this is what i have installed on my PC:Tropico 3, ANNO 1404, CoD4, Chessmaster, Thief 3, The Witcher, Galactic Civilization 2.
Its pretty easy to say death count = evil, but its wrong
We can rule out Vlad Tepes, witch ruler was not bloody in medieval times. He did not went conquering his neighbors and murdering everybody in site. He defended his people and land at all cost.
Hitler - the wanted to rule the world, write history and his people to be the no.1 power, at any cost
Stalin- same as Hitler except he didn't give a crap about his people. (my vote)
Saddam - typical tyrant
If you thing that death count is the measurement just think how many died in the name of the Church, God, Jesus...
Vlad the impaler murdered innocents. the poor, the eldery, children, etc. he burned children alive and made the mothers watch. he sometimes made the parents eat their own children. and no one died in the name of jesus, they died because fanatics will be fanatics.
Vlad's family was tortured by hungarians very cruely. his brother was burned alive and stuck with hot iron stakes. He was also falsely imprisoned for 10 years.
Again, common practice in medieval times.
Religiose fanatics committed evil deeds, Nazi fanatics committed evil deeds. A=C?
Both factions killed for a goal, in the name of something, fanatics or not, evil or not.
Sodom and Gomorrah, The Great Flood ..again fanatics...oh wait.
My statement was not to tie death count to evil. I didn't want to offend religious people or to offend Him.
You wanna know who is evil? BTK.
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