I ended up getting Mark of the Ninja instead of CS, and its frickin' good im up to the last stage now.
I also bought another 1500 points and got Shadow Complex, few years old but wow.. what a good game for an arcade title.
Played the 45 minute trial of CS and ended up with like one real player and a bunch of bots 3 games in a row, didn't think there would be a huge playerbase in Australia for it. Which makes me sad, 'cause it was pretty good.
lukeyAUS's forum posts
So i got Trials Evo, now im tossing up between Mark of the Ninja and CS:GO for the rest of my points.. I already own Black Ops 2 so i dunnnoooo.
I played Minecraft to death on the PC, and i've already beaten Bastion, so those are a no go.
Might check out Dust though, or whatever it was called.
Anything else? Im tempted to try Counter Strike GO, but i live in AUS and dont know how active it is here :/
Title really says it all, i have 3000 points to spend, haven't browsed the marketplace in ages and im just seeing all these titles for games i had no idea even exsisted.
So some help would be good, also i heard the new Halo 4 map pack is pretty terrible, any truth to that?
True that, i've had 5 showers today so far. Only an hour or so to go before the sun is gone, hurrah.That's why I'm glad I live in the countryside. It's apparently 31 outside here, but inside temp of 27 (it says it's going to be 38 tomorrow.....dafaq?).
Anyway, I really just sit with a fan on me. And maybe even take a cool shower every now and then.
I can't get much more naked without flopping out my willy, I don't think mum would appreciate that very much.Get naked. I have found that it solves most problems.
AND i just seen the weather report, 35 - 40 degrees and storms all week.
I love Australia so much -.-
DOES ANYONE STILL USE THIS BOARD? HELLLOOOOO.. helllllooo.. helloooo.. helloI feel like killing zombies, Blops 2 just isn't good enough. Do people still play L4D2 online? if not, i'm sad. Whens the next big zombie game coming out? I WISHHHHHSHSHHHSHSH i had a PC to play dayZ :c
Its 29.2 C from where I am at in south sydney, still too hot for my liking. Australia becomes a big giant oven in summer time, wish Winter came back hahamomo372I wish it was just winter all year long, it was 37 degrees in the city today which means 40ish over here in the south western suburbs. WAY TOO HOT FOR A PASTY KID LIKE ME, if i go outside im pink within 10 minutes and ready to slump over and die.
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