When you get married, have sex for the first time, your first child is born, have some really good french toast...THOSE are magical experiences. Even tying them into something as trite as turning a game console on by talking to it (while feeling like an idiot at the same time) is almost an insult to those other experiences.
@SoulScribe Sure won't work for collectors like myself. It's great to give people the option, but don't force it on use...which is the lesson M$ had to learn the hard way.
So why can't people who are pro's at touching themselves at night be considered pro-athletes? Takes a heck of a lot more actual physical work for them.
@soulless4now considering most of it goes to the legal expenses...i highly doubt that. the rest of it will be used up over the course of, perhaps, 10 years
@tightwad34 the compensation is to cover any past/future "losses" the guy had over Nintendo using the tech. Now that he gets that, Nintendo is cleared to keep using the tech with no more questions asked. It's like they just paid $30 million to pay for the patent AFTER making use of it.
There's an error in the article...it should say 2 DLC packs (Dragonborn and Dawnguard). Hearthfire was NOT a DLC in any real sense, it was a prettier patch if anything.
@sunyatanada76 @lunarsword depressing when i got my degree for game design. just had to realize I no longer wanted a part of the video game machine due to the lack of gamer-mentality design versus money-making. now i plan to stick to designing good old fun card/board games
I kinda miss the old days when you could actually find games that never got, or needed, sequels, prequels, "hyper turbo ultimate" editions, and so on. just one game to kick your ass and then move on to a new one.
lunarsword's comments